Archive for the Spring Category

Spring things

The majority of our Easter and spring decorations are stored in our cabin and since heavy snows and a busy schedule have prevented us from traveling to Lake Arrowhead to retrieve them, I’ve done minimal decorating this year. However, I did run across a few fun, wooly

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Orange Zest, another book giveaway, and much more!

There’s lots going on over here at “Einmo Studios Central” these days. With my new book release and the new Craftsy class launch, I’ve been busier than a bee tending five hives. (I just made that up.) So, first things first. Judi Madsen quilted my Orange Zest

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Empty nest

Do you remember a few weeks ago I posted a photo of the surprise I found on top of the wreath on our front door? A closer look…. Five pretty light green eggs. The momma and papa birds tended those eggs faithfully for a couple of weeks.

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A Spring surprise!

Welcome April! I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m happy a new month has begun. March certainly “went out like a lion.” We had a surprise snowfall this past Sunday. It was supposed to rain all weekend, but the temperatures were cold enough that

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It’s the little things…

Well, it all began with this: Yep, some serious high-waters and a major growth spurt. Both of our boys were shamefully in need of new jeans. Even though we live in Germany, they still prefer to wear “American style” jeans. I’m sure the Germans have some great jeans

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