Are you making the FREE mystery quilt?

Hopefully, you’ve seen the notice on my website Home Page (about half-way down the page) announcing the FREE Mystery Quilt pattern. If you haven’t, it’s not too late to join in the fun!

Simply register your name and e-mail address (I promise not to share it with anyone!) and download the fabric requirements. I’d like to suggest that you simply pull fabrics from your stash — you don’t need to go out and buy something new just to make this pretty quilt!

The first clue is available today, and each subsequent clue will be ready to download every Friday until the mystery is revealed!

I’d love to see photos of your fabrics, your blocks as they progress — and especially of your finished quilt tops.

Most of all, have fun!

  1. I would love to do your mystery! Thanks so much! Mary Jo

  2. Kim…I do not see where to sign up for it…Mary Jo

  3. Found it…sorry! Mary Jo

  4. Mary Jo – I’m so glad you found the spot on the home page to download the first two installments! Welcome, and have fun!

  5. I’ve just found your blog, but I don’t know what website. Please help?

  6. This is so much fun!! Gives me even MORE of an excuse to want to hurry home after work on Friday. I’ve got 2 versions with different fabrics working, and sent you an email with pix. One is traditional, to go with colors already in my family room, and one is a little crazy, with some funky batiks.

    The whole concept of picking fabrics for a mystery quilt can be so intimidating — we quilters tend to want to be very organized & have everything under control. What if you make a mistake? What if the fabrics look aweful in the finished quilt? I think it’s a very useful (and liberating) excercise to throw caution to the wind & “just do it”. If it’s really THAT bad, I can always use it for a cat quilt.

    I have to tell you that your Easy Stars and Geese ruler is the best. I had forgotten how easy it is to use (last time I used it was in March at the QHC in Lancaster). One of the best things about it is that it wastes virtually no fabric — the only trash I have is from the initial cut to square up and the minimal left-over piece at the end of the strip.

    You should share with everyone where you got the idea for the 2 differnt colors on the ruler.

  7. Welcome, Kim! (Love the name) 😉

    Have fun — there’s lot to see on the website.

  8. Pat —

    I’m just delighted you have jumped in with BOTH feet and taken this leap of faith to do the mystery quilt not just once, but twice! It can be intimidating, but I’ve been designing mystery quilts for years (it’s my personal niche!) and I take pride in being able to say that if people follow the color values provided in the supply list, they will be pleased with the end result. Good contrast is always the key. For my mystery quilts, the rule of thumb is this: if the fabrics look pretty and well balanced when lying next to each other in a pile, they will look good in the quilt.

    As for the Easy Star and Geese Ruler, I’m so tickled you’ve had another “ah-ha” moment when you pulled it out to use it for this quilt! It IS so easy to use — and cost effective, to0 (very little — if any — wasted fabric!) I chose the colors for the lines on the ruler for the following reasons: they show up really well on every fabric (which makes the ruler even easier to use, rather than just black lines) AND the pink is for BREAST CANCER AWARENESS and the mint green is for OVARIAN CANCER AWARENESS. I wanted the ruler to provide a platform (even in a small way) for womens’ health issues.

    By the way, Pat, I just love your suggestion about using cookie pans to keep your cut pieces together and organized. That’s a GREAT tip! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Hi Kimberly,
    I am not making the quilt, but I am contacting you to inform you of your winning prize for being the second correct guesser of my contest giveaway! I would like to send you 2 of my patterns. You may choose. The patterns are listed on the right sidebar of my blog.
    Just send me an email with your choices, and your mailing address, and I will send them to you ASAP!

    There’s a new, more challenging contest up now, you should give it a try!

    Thanks for your support!


  10. Dear Lila;

    Wow — what a great surprise! Thank you for the offer of the two patterns. I just checked your blog sight again this morning and your next contest is much harder — but fun.

    Hey everyone — be sure to check out Lila’s website. Its one of the best around…

    Thanks again, Lila!

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