Featured on a very special blog…and an update!

I have an exciting little tid-bit of information to share with you all: I wrote a column and it is featured on the January 5th entry of the Bernina USA blog! Check it out by clicking here.

How cool is that?


And our good friend and comment-leaver, Pat, was featured on a blog, too. Check it out here. Love your suggestions, Pat!

  1. how exciting!!!!

  2. congratulations Kimberly!!
    everything is important when you move with such an expensive baby !!!!!
    I am sure this will help people moving !!

  3. Like I still have the box………. I would probably have to carry the darned thing on my lap. Can you imagine the movers trying to move the Series8? The idea of taking pictures before/after is such a great idea, and not just for the machine.

    The next post should be “how to move your stash”!

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