Get it touch with your inner girly self!

Hey, whatcha gonna be doin on Friday, April 3rd?

What’s that? No plans you say? Do you live anywhere east of the Mississippi? You do? Then you’re in luck! Make plans now  to join me for the most ‘machine-applique-fun’ allowed by law and get in touch with your feminine flirty side at the same time! (And for those of you living west of the Mississippi, don’t let that little ‘ole river stop you. Of course you’re welcome, too.)

I gathered some fabrics from my stash today...

That’s right! THE PLACE TO BE will be at the 22nd annual Quilters’ Heritage Celebration Show in Lancaster, PA on Friday, April 3rd in my “Ooh La La Petite Corset Quilt” class!

I’m sure you remember the original quilt, which was featured in the February, 2007 issue of McCall’s Quilting Magazine.  

Remember the adorable pink quilt with lacy, racy black trims?

I’ll bet you thought, “Oooh, it’s so cute. I need to make that quilt.” But alas, you had other quilts in progress, and other priorities, such as work and family to attend to. But now is the time. This is the perfect opportunity to spend the day cutting, fusing, stitching, embellishing, and making your own adorable, girly corsets. Why? Just because. You don’t need a reason, or even an intended recipient. This quilt is just for YOU. It doesn’t have to match your decor. It won’t fit on your bed. You don’t have to know where you’re going to hang it. (Although, let me say, I know someone who made an adorable shower curtain of corsets.) There isn’t a specific reason why you need to make it. You’re going to make it just because it’s FUN!

I played all afternoon making new, blue, pretty corsets!

So come and join me in class. We’ll be using all kinds of exciting Bernina presser feet you’ve probably never used before to attach the laces and trims. You can add ric rac. Add yarn. Add pom poms. Add sequins or pearls if like! Even tassels; strategically placed. We’ll be laughing and learning. Stitching and sharing. Embellishing and giggling. Creating cute corsets, just because. And there will be chocolate. What more could you ask for in a perfectamundo day of quilting?

There are still a few spots available in the class. Your name’s on one of them. Are you coming?

With some assistance from my "Quality Control Manager," I embellished my new blue corsets with girly trims....

....although he expressed his strong opinion about my placement choice of the tassel, though.

  1. Hi Kimberly,
    I absolutely LOVE this adorable pattern of yours!. It’s sooo cute. How I wished that I could join you for your class during QHC – but although I am located east of the Mississippi, there’s still that big pond to consider (and that I’ll be crossing about a month later…). Have fun celebrating a dessous party of a different kind!
    Best, Birgit

  2. Birgit — Oh, how I wish you could be there in Lancaster, too! But you will definitely be there in spirit. I can hardly wait to see all your gorgeous designs in the big fashion show. They will be the hit of the show for sure!

  3. How cute! How fun! These corsets are just too adorable. What a cute QCManager you have there. Cute little marshmallow putty paws.

  4. Hi, Karendianne!

    Thanks so much — I’m so tickled that you like the corsets. They were such fun to make — and I really went to town embellishing them with all sorts of girly things. Close up photos to come after I finish machine quilting them, I promise!

    Glad to hear from you. I’ve been checking out your blog, too and always enjoy what you have posted!

  5. Counting down to the Lancaster QHC! Quilters, if you think that pink corset quilt is cute in the picture, you should see it in person! Kimberly had it in the show at last year’s event & it was adorable. I can’t wait to see it in blue.

    If you have never taken one of her classes before & can see your way clear to take this one, please do. You will have so much fun! She is a great teacher, with a terrific sense of humor and adventure.

  6. Oooooh! Thank you, Pat! What a lovely endorsement! 🙂

    Can’t wait to see you in Lancaster. Can it really be only two short weeks away?

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