Kimberly’s theory of relativity

This morning we awoke to this:

Which makes me wonder, why did the same scene in December have me gushing about how cozy and quaint the snow was and now all I can think about is Spring and my violet-colored backyard carpet of crocuses?

I actually Googled the term “Theory of Relativity” this morning (my procrastination for getting to work was kicking in….) and came up with some astounding number of websites offering their interpretations of the definition. I clicked on the number one link (Princeton University, I might add) and this is what it said, “The theory that space and time are relative concepts rather than absolute concepts.” Big help. Not.

I read somewhere that when asked for a layman’s view of what relativity was about, it was explained that the difference is like a boy spending one minute sitting next to a pretty girl or spending one minute sitting on a hot stove. Great visual image, I might add. Now I get it.

Which brings me to my very own definition of the theory of relativity (well, at least for today): “Snow is charming when it arrives right before Christmas, but it has no business showing up when Spring is imminent and the flowers are starting to bloom.” In other words, I like snow in December, not so much in March.

As I sit here in my sewing studio with the radiator next to me cranking out extra heat to warm my tootsies, I have a companion right beside me happily content to toast himself.

But you knew that, of course.

Alas, as the snow continues to fall, I must get busy this morning. I have so much work to do. Or….(here’s a thought)….. I could sit at my sewing machine and stitch the day away piecing the blocks for my newest quilt design instead of doing housework. This will make the time fly by and the snow melt that much more quickly. You see? It’s Kimberly’s theory of relativity to the rescue!

  1. You are too funny! I read somewhere that the friction created by the movement of a sewing machine needle going up and down through fabric creates enough heat to melt March snow. Honest. Seriously. No lie. giggle.

  2. Pat — you truly make me giggle, and your comments never fail to brighten my day! I completely and totally agree. I heard about that same theory somewhere, too. And based on my putting that theory to the test this morning, it works!

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