Top ‘o the morning to you all!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

I have a designated spot in our dining room where I like to display seasonal decorations. Although we’re not Irish by heritage, in March I especially enjoy putting out my green and white quilts and my small collection of Irish accents which includes a friendly little leprechaun.

To get into the spirit of St. Patty’s Day, Kent and I watched one of our favorite Irish movies, the classic “The Quiet Man” with John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara. If you haven’t seen it, it’s oh-so-worth renting from your favorite DVD rental place. 

Just for today, everyone gets to be a bit Irish.  I hope you’ll wear something green and please allow me to wish you a four leaf clover for all the good luck in the world!

  1. hi Kimberley
    Happy St Patrick’s day!!
    I love your idea even if in France ,we don’t do this kind of things!!
    Hope to see you very soon !!
    take care

  2. Thank you, thank you Christine and Karendianne! You made my morning just to see your comments on my blog! And here’s wishing you both a very Happy St. Patty’s Day! 🙂

  3. AND would believe that my issue of Irish Quilting came yesterday!!!! What a beautiful magazine. I am having fun going through it. Some of the terms threw me off at bit: “wadding”, for example. There are discussions about the types of wadding you can use, and instructions reminding you to make sure you provide wadding when you take your quilt to the longarmer to be quilted. Duh, it’s BATTING!!!! giggle giggle.

    I saw the 1st installment of the mystery quilt, by that famous Irish lass, Kimberly O’Einmo. It looks very interesting, but I’m glad I have one of those flying geese rulers or I’d be searching for a leprechaun to rescue me from goose purgatory; easy with, yuck without. Great minds must think alike because one of the fabrics for your Irish mystery quilt is the same as one of my fabrics for the Mexican Hot Pepper version of the QHC mystery quilt. Irish? Mexican? Who says quilting isn’t universal? I’ll let you guess which one it is.

    We had our corned beef & cabbage last night for dinner. My mother always used to make it for my birthday (the 16th), and it wouldn’t be Patti’s Day without it; just my way of remembering. I am not so fond of the veggies, but the corned beef is yummy & the broth makes a spectacular split “sea poop”, as my son would say. Most of us normal people call it “pea soup”.

    An Irish Blessing for the day:

    “May the road rise up to meet you;
    May the wind be always at your back;
    May the sun shine warm upon your face;
    and rains fall upon your fields.
    And until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of his hand.”

  4. Hi Kimberly,
    Happy St. Patrick’s day to you, too!
    Awesome decorations. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do for spring!

  5. Ilona — thanks for stopping by the blog and for posting a comment! I’ve got the spring/Easter boxes all pulled and ready to go. Will probably switch out the decorations in a day or two and will definitely post photos. I’ve got several spring and Easter quilts I can’t wait to display!

  6. Love it!

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