A change of scenery…..


For all intents and purposes I’ve been absent and flying under the radar recently. After a break-neck, hectic schedule from January through June, my body and soul told me I needed a break. A break from working, teaching, administrative work on the computer and yes, social media. Not coincidentally, another big change was happening in our lives around the same time. 

For the 27 years that my husband (affectionately known to many of you as Mr. Kim) and I have been together, we’ve laughed and joked that we “didn’t know where we wanted to live when we grew up.” Our Air Force career took us all over the US (from Omaha eastward) and even in Europe. Our friends would talk about their plans to move when they retired and honestly, we had no idea where that might end up for us. We talked and dreamed about having a home in the mountains somewhere, and even dreamed big when we thought about buying a little cabin in Germany or southern France. But ultimately, buying abroad just wasn’t practical for us so we turned our attentions to finding a place in the US.  My second hobby became watching all those House Hunter and Cabin Life shows on HGTV and trolling websites such as Zillow and Realtor.com. 

Now all along we could tell you the places we DIDN’T want to move to in retirement. But the perfect location seemed elusive so we kept looking. And dreaming. And planning. And then we found it: The perfect place for us. 

After working very hard, planning, saving, and searching, with God’s help we were able to see our dream come true. We bought a cute little cabin in the San Bernardino mountains in California! 


Our youngest son and I set off on a journey to drive across country pulling a U-Haul trailer. Did I mention we also had 3 cats and a dog with us? What an adventure that was! We drove for almost 4 straight days. Pulling the trailer was not a big deal as long as we didn’t have to BACK UP. So picture this: 2800 miles of driving forward without ever putting the car with the trailer attached in reverse. No small feat, I tell you! But we did it!

Since we got the keys for the cabin a couple of weeks ago, Andrew and I have been working hard to clean and fix it up. It had been empty for over a year so it was in desperate need of some TLC. Located a mile above sea level, it has taken a bit of time to get used to the altitude. But the sweeping views, crisp, cool nights, and peaceful forest setting have all been more than worth it. To see our dream come true has made our hearts overflow with gratitude and we feel so incredibly blessed! Retirement is still a long way off for us, but we’ll use the cabin in the meantime for vacationing, spending summers, hopefully enjoying time with friends, and quilting.


The lower level was the perfect place for me to have a quilting retreat!

But aside from all the cleaning and getting rooms set up and things unpacked, I think one of the best parts has been for me to truly unplug. I have barely been on the computer (only when absolutely necessary) and I even spent time finishing up a group piecing project that I put off for far too long! I’ve been listening to beautiful music and meditating. I have been sleeping with the windows wide open with only the occasional owl and the rustling leaves to serenade me. It has been bliss. And my soul feels refreshed. 




In a couple of weeks we’ll head home for band and school activities to begin.
But for the next little while, you can find me here. Enjoying heaven on earth.





  1. I am so happy for you! Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

  2. You have worked hard for your little slice of heaven on the mountain. Wishing you many years of relaxing.

  3. Looks like a great place to get away from it all. Enjoy!

  4. Good for you! What an exciting move forward in your life story. And I’m successfully managing not being at all envious of a home in the mountains…well, almost successfully. It’s beautiful. I hope it feeds your soul in the way you’re dreaming it will. Go West, Young Woman, Go West.

  5. Congratulations! What a wonderful place to retreat to. I, too, watch all the HGTV shows and dream of a vacation home that we can retire to someday. Each year brings us closer. It’s exciting to see someone else achieve their dream. It makes mine feel closer!

  6. Looks beautiful Kimberly!

  7. Good for you. Hope things turn out great for you. We are retired AF so know what your talking about. When we left the military I never wanted to move again and we haven’t. Life is good where you make it. One of the many lessons I have learned when being a military spouse.

  8. Congratulations!! That’s such a beautiful area. I hope you and your family get to enjoy it for many years. I totally understand the backing up with a trailer issue…I can’t do it either!

  9. You deserve this. I am so happy to hear that your soul has been re-energized; I think this will help keep your creativity in its usual high gear. :-). Know all your friends and fans have prayed for you to enjoy such a wonderful respite.

  10. Hi Kimberly: You chose a wonderful place to retire or just hide out. I grew up in San Bernardino and worked for the county for 21 years and retired in 2000. I lived in Twin Peaks and although your photos don’t look like TP, Lake Arrowhead, Running Springs and Big Bear are all just as beautiful. I went up there after a divorce that was very stressful and rented a small cabin across from the bldg I worked in. Just two rooms and peace. It was a beautiful experience and whether you are healing or just relaxing and taking in the fresh air, its all for the betterment of our souls. I’m now trying to teach myself with the help of my craftsy classes and enjoying them in between stress attacks. Who said quilting is relaxing???? Watch that Rim of the World hiway.

    Blessing to you and your family

  11. I am so happy I found your website. I am taking your class on Craftsy. I am using your EZ Flying Geese ruler to make another project. The ruler is making it sOOOO easy.

    I live in AZ and vacation in CA yearly. Enjoy your new home. I look forward to following your blog. The joy you express on camera is contagious.

    Thank you!

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