I can honestly say after 28 months, we’re through to the other side. Can you hear the sigh of pure relief? We are so full of gratitude, peacefulness and happiness. We’re through the hurdles and hardships, the seemingly endless packing/unpacking cycle of moving is complete, renovations are
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For those who follow me on social media or here on my blog, you may have noticed it’s been a little quiet from our corner of the world in recent weeks. So many of you who have written, texted or emailed to check on us and I
Read more →Oh, how we appreciate the prayers and for so many of you reaching out regularly to check on us. Thank you. Prayers are coveted and we believe each and every one is heard! It is difficult to try to explain everything that has happened. We’ve gone from
Read more →We sincerely want to thank you all — so many people have reached out through Messenger, texts and emails to check on us. Part of the reason for writing this update is to let you all know the status of things and how we are doing. Its
Read more →Does anyone remember the blizzard of ’78? I was a freshman in high school and that blizzard shut down Northeastern Ohio for at least a week. We lost power and my folks did their best to keep our house somewhat warm by using the gas oven in
Read more →As of today, we have closed the door to a chapter in our lives and we’re looking forward to the future. Our time in Australia has come to an end, but we’ll look back with love for the kangaroos, fondness for brilliantly-colored sunsets, some challenges, and bittersweet
Read more →You may have noticed I haven’t been posting much on social media in the past couple of weeks, except for a few shared items (forwards) from other pages, and information about my latest DONE BEFORE DINNER PROJECT. (Be sure not to miss this one, we had lots
Read more →This past month has been a whirlwind and I finally feel as if I’m coming up for air. So I invite you to pour yourself something to sip, find a comfy chair, and let’s catch up! Three weeks ago early on a Monday morning, I said goodbye
Read more →Pour yourself a cup of tea and settle in for a newsy update… Many of you have been following our newest big adventure I first wrote about last summer. (In case you missed it, CLICK HERE.) Admittedly, my blog posts were rather sparse during the last quarter
Read more →I’ve sat down to write a blog post dozens of times. I’ve written paragraphs, then deleted them and tried to write again. Always the same: I just couldn’t find the right words. I try to be very mindful when I do write a blog post, I never
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