For those who follow me on social media or here on my blog, you may have noticed it’s been a little quiet from our corner of the world in recent weeks. So many of you who have written, texted or emailed to check on us and I
Read more →For those who follow me on social media or here on my blog, you may have noticed it’s been a little quiet from our corner of the world in recent weeks. So many of you who have written, texted or emailed to check on us and I
Read more →My Mom and I share a little secret. We have little “meetings of the minds” where we share heart-to-heart communication on a regular basis. Considering she passed away more than four years ago, you might think I’m a bit quirky to make such a statement. But she
Read more →More tears were flowing at our house yesterday. But they were good tears. Tears of love, good memories, joy for our sweet little Divot and the kindness of our dear friend, Sherri Manios. Last year, when Tuffy passed away, she sent us a gorgeous drawing drawn from
Read more →I was glancing through this week’s issue of People magazine last night and there is a section where they asked celebrities to share the best compliment they ever received. It was quite illuminating. It made me think about compliments I have received and the ones which have meant the
Read more →Welcome April! I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m happy a new month has begun. March certainly “went out like a lion.” We had a surprise snowfall this past Sunday. It was supposed to rain all weekend, but the temperatures were cold enough that
Read more →“And, we’re off!” Those words have been echoing in my ears for the past few days as I put things in motion for the start of this new year. My ONE WORD has also been in the front of my mind as I tackle deadlines, commitments and other
Read more →I gave up making new year’s resolutions three years ago. They didn’t really work for me. I’d lose steam about six weeks into the new year, or I would forget about them altogether in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. And if I did happen to
Read more →I put the finishing stitches in this quilt today. With every stitch I said a heartfelt prayer for a very dear friend of mine who is bravely battling pancreatic cancer. I’m asking you to say a prayer for my friend, Eric, as well. This quilt is meant
Read more →Today I had a very hectic and hurried, extra-busy day. I felt a bit frazzled and frustrated. After dinner, I suggested to my better half that we should take time to relax and enjoy the sunset. Deep breath in…..exhale……aaaaahhhhhh………much better. Be sure to stop back soon for a quilt retreat recap
Read more →Let me state here and now that I just survived the absolute, all-time worst winter cold. EVER. It seriously had me down for the count. And twelve days later I’m still not back to 100%, but maybe 83%. Or so. The pretty pink roses my sweet hubby
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