A photo simply doesn’t show the high winds and heavy sleet/snow currently coming down. And it is the strangest color of greenish-gray outside.
Oh, how we appreciate the prayers and for so many of you reaching out regularly to check on us. Thank you. Prayers are coveted and we believe each and every one is heard! It is difficult to try to explain everything that has happened. We’ve gone from storm to storm to storm; both figuratively and literally. It seems we’ve been in crisis/survival mode for months; most assuredly since last fall. At times, it almost seems comical. No one could — or would — believe all we’ve endured but honestly, you can’t make this stuff up, folks.
I’ll try to summarize but the bottom line is, we’re all currently OK. We survived the historic blizzard more than three weeks ago, but our home did not. It was catastrophically damaged. We’ve been limping along gingerly while making fast plans to move out. In fact, we had the packers and movers scheduled to begin today. And what hit today? Another blizzard. Another two feet of snow and possibly up to 5 or 6 inches of rain predicted before it is all over. Moving plans are again on hold. The stress we’ve been living under has been intense. Our deck is unsalvageable but the danger now lies in how much more damage will continue to occur to the structure of the house and when it will become too dangerous to remain here. Hotel living is not only expensive, but no hotel will take seven cats (our four cats and our boys’ three cats, who are currently here). We’ve spent the past week removing everything from the house that is irreplaceable. I’ve been working with our insurance company and various contractors. The demolition will be costly and dangerous. So far, only one contractor is even willing to consider the job. And no one can — or will — do anything while there is still so much snow on the ground. It’s a Catch-22 situation.
Here’s what we do know. There is a big move and yet another transition in our future. We will be leaving California and moving to Colorado. Very soon. The majority of our household goods are still in Australia and not yet on a cargo ship headed to the US, which will take four months once they are underway. It will be awhile before we can put everything back together. I have moments of being completely overwhelmed; I think it is understandable considering all we’ve been through just getting out of Australia and back to the US. (Someday, I may share the overwhelming odds and hardships we went through to make that happen. It’s quite a testimony.) But during those moments of fear, anxiety and overwhelming doubt, I remember that God’s got this and I only need to take things one day at a time. One step at a time. One breath at a time.
We still covet your prayers, thoughts and good wishes. Right now, as I sit here watching the terrible blizzard outside and hearing the wind gusts at 40mph shaking the damaged deck and our cabin, I’m praying and envisioning warrior angels holding everything together so we can get through this storm in tact. We’re packed and prepared for an emergency evacuation if we need to, but I hope that won’t happen. We simply need to get through this storm and look forward to the sun returning so the packers and movers can come and the next new chapter can begin.
If you’re facing the storms of life — no matter what they may be — I pray for you and send hope and good wishes your way that a sunny new beginning is on your horizon, too. Hang in there. We’ll breathe through the storms together. Remember: one breath at a time.
You all have been through so much. We will continue to pray for your health and safety. Lots of love and prayers for you all. Hugs.
Good times are coming for you in Colorado, you are such wonderful people. I wish for you the very best
Oh my goodness….sending you prayers from Virginia
Oh, Kimberly. I am so sorry for everything you have endured these many many months. I know how much you loved your mountain retreat and views. Colorado is a marvelous state and I know once you get settled there, things will be better. But what a long haul. Wishing you all the best (and looking forward to seeing you in May).
Send the power of God will protect and keep you safe until you leave. Prayers.
You all are in my thoughts and prayers and if anyone can overcome these struggles,it’s you and your family with God’s help of course.i don’t know what happened across the pond but glad you are back in america.remember one day at a time and if uou ever need to talk,PM on fb.im here to listen…much love from minnesota
Kimberly and family, God has his loving arms around you and your faith will carry you through this ordeal. Please know that you are in my prayers. God Bless.
Dearest Kimberly, wishing you fast recovery from this horrible situAtion. All bad weather must come to the end and the brightest sun will show up again. With much of love Jana Lalova
Prayers that everything holds strong until you can get safely moved. And here we are in IL w/gorgeous weather, cool, but Sunny💗💗 & in extreme shock & grief for the entire small community I live in, 2 high-school Standout athletic seniors killed in a tragic sledding accident, Sunday. Life is So full of Twists & Turns, but God Holds the Key 🔑 for All of us
Kim, didn’t know it was still so bad there. I know you are devastated and concerned but you are right– God is in charge and it has to get better. Blessings as you battle on through this mess.
Prayer and belief in God are powerful tools in our arsenal. My prayers are out there along with so many others who love and care about you and your family. I know all of you will get through this horrible season of life and come out so much stronger when you do. Please stay safe.
Kimberly, I will continue to keep your family in my prayers. We faced some significant challenges the past three years and are just now feeling as though we are through the worst. We know God put these struggles in our path for a purpose. Please keep the faith as He is in control and will bring you through your struggles as well. It’s exciting to here you are moving to CO. I’m just north of you in MT. Hope to see you on another quilting cruise in the near future. Love and hugs to you, Kent and the kitties.
Oh my! What would we do without our faith and the ability to lay out concerns and fears at His feet? Praying for you and your family during these trying and scary times.
It’s hard to imagine all you are going through. I’m glad your family is together, that has to help. I hope to hear good news from you soon.
Sending my love and prayers
Oh Kimberly, may God continue to sustain you and your family, to comfort you, and to give you strength. You are such a light to everyone in your path. I am so sorry for the trials you are going through now and wish I could help. I thank you for the updates and know that the power of prayer is tremendous . May you feel supported and encouraged by all of them. Hugs to you!
Continuing to pray for you and all enduring the awful weather. I hope clear skies are in your near future!
Dear Kimberly
I can’t imagine all the pain, stress and worry you and your hubby are going through. Who would think after all the ups and downs with Australia that Gods trials are still weighing on you heavily. I will pray for you and your entire family and God shows you his loving grace
and that His Blessings to come will surprise you with much happiness. He Alone Feels All Your Pain. God Bless You.
Oh my goodness Kimberley, what a terrible time you have all been having. Sending you love and prayers from over here.
Oh, you really have been through a lot over the past months (if not years). I do pray for your safety and good health, and hope you get the move you so badly need in a timely fashion! So many hardships to go through, and I know you were looking forward for your return to the US and certainly did not expect another move. I hope all your belongings make it to your new home safely and the weather gives you a break. Would love to see you in AZ of course, where the weather is much nicer. Hugs!
There isn’t a day goes by that we don’t “wonder how y’all are doing”‘ and say a prayer that everything will work out and settle down SOON!
Thank you for taking the time to keep us all up to date. Guess it goes without saying you’re not quilting!!! 🥴
We will continue to keep you in our hearts and prayers. Please continue to keep your level heads. We will take care of the unending prayers.
Prayers are still coming. Prayers added for a new transition to CO. Where? I didn’t realize you had 7 cats with you. Amazing that they all get along.
Take care of yourselves. The saying I’ve heard was that God doesn’t give us more than you can handle but, he has a lot more confidence than we do. Well, this is really being played out.
Is your youngest son still at school?
So thankful to hear your testimony of faith. God is our rock and our salvation, whom shall we fear. Praying for your family to have strength each day as you move through this season. Be blessed by the prayers of those you have brought joy through quilting.
Oh my goodness. You have my prayers. If I had a house. I would let you stay with all seven cats. You’ve let us get to know you and I cannot wait til you’re in my area. Michigan in the summer or Florida in the winter. Continued prayers til you’re safe and content again.
Oh Kimberly Dear Heart. You all have been through so, so much. You’ve all been in my prayers as our Lord laid upon my heart that things were in turmoil with you. All of you have been and will most definitely continue to be in my prayers. Remember what scripture says “The Lord IS my Shepherd, I SHALL NOT want.” HE got this! I so wish I could help and give you a hug in person. So for now, here’s a virtual hug 🫂 from me to you.
Hugs and prayers for you and yours.
God has got this. You have been through so much. Please be safe and also remember that you are in God’s care.
Thanks for the update. Y’all have been in my prayers.
I just cannot imagine what you are going through and the strength needed for another move. My heart aches for you, but know the Good Lord is beside you. You are in my continued prayers.
Oh my Lordy : you’ve all been tested but true troopers you’ve come through ( still travelling) with love in your hearts
I wish I had a magic wand to make all of this stress go away, but we all have time to listen and send our thoughts of comfort caring and kindness, thinking of you all hugs in new friendships from Australia xx
Hugs and prayers for y’all! Keep clinging to The Rock. He’ll carry you through. Know we have a room for y’all in Florida if needed!
Prayers ♥️
Wow. Keep up the spirit!
As a native Californian, this winter has been the most unusual ever. So sorry you have ended up with such damage to your cabin. Colorado is a beautiful state and I hope you and your extended family will soon find a lovely home and you can create a gorgeous sewing room and a very happy future.
My husband and I met you at Sew Expo, Puyallup, Washington in 2020. We were there to hear you speak. I so appreciate your letters to us, so we know what’s going on.
God knows exactly where you are and what’s happening. I’m praying you’ll be able to weather the storm. Glad your boys are there to help.
Oh Kimberly! You and your family have been through so much the past few months and when will these storms stop for you! And you loved that house so much So many happy memories. I am really glad that Ken is with you to help you make these choices. Colorado! Another new adventure — although I think after this one you need to stop having so many adventures for a while! Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and sending huge hugs your way. (And for a laugh — I will keep any buffalos to myself!)
Suzanne –
I needed that giggle SO MUCH!!! You are such a good sport. THANK YOU!
You poor sweet people! All I can offer is prayers and confirm that God is still in control and Jesus is still on the throne. May you take strength and solace in that knowledge. With that knowledge you will prevail.
I can’t even imagine all that you are going through. Your faith is amazing and inspiring. I hope you can get yourselves packed and moved safely.
I know there isn’t anything we can do but keep you in our thoughts.
Oh my goodness! I have been thinking of you on and off and cannot even imagine the situation has gotten this bad! Praying for you, your family, and pets. Hoping you can soon find a safe place to call home. Know that you are loved and our heavenly Father has not deserted you– he has plans and a future for all of you as he promises.
Oh thank you for taking the time to post Kimberly, i was so worried. If anyone can make lemonade out of lemons, you all can. I see a wonderful quilt coming out of all of this in a few years when you can look back and laugh at it all. I wish you a safe move to Colorado and that things calm down . Prayers for you all and the furry babies too.
Thank you for posting, Kimberly. I was wondering how you are doing. The newer storms you’re suffering have not been in our news, or at least I have not been aware. Prayers continue for your safety and for your cabin to hold fast, for the storms to stop and the warmth of the sun to reappear. And through it all, He will hold you fast. Prayers and blessings to you and yours.
You truly have angels at your side and God’s hand protecting you. Your story should inspire all of us but the overwhelming facts would overpower many. Praying all of you remain safe and soon on your road to a new home.
Wow! I had followed your posts and kept an eye on the international weather reports, but had NO idea it was as bad as that! So sad to hear of the material damage to your beautiful property. Glad that you’re all physically OK although shattered I’m sure. Sending best wishes to you all. Xxx
OH WOW!!!! Glad you are holding up and getting thru.. Many Prayers for you both.
Stay safe Kimberly, things will get better.
Wishing i could hive you a hug and make it all ho away!!
Oh my, my heart breaks for you and your family. May God protect you and give you time to pack your items and safely get to CO. Wow, what an ordeal. Keep the faith and hang in there.
Kimberly, your family has been through so much! I can’t believe you are relocating again. We are just putting our Colorado house on the market and going back to SoCal. Where in Colorado will you be headed? Hoping everything starts to clear up so you can get underway. Be safe and smooth travels!