Checking in with an update



Isn’t this tomato just nasty looking? I never knew tomatoes could grow “hair.” But that’s what happens when left alone and forgotten on my kitchen window sill. Like my tomatoes, I am a little behind in updating the blog. So sorry! It’s been awhile since I last posted. Time seems to have flown by at a great rate, hasn’t it? Where has the month of October gone?

Here’s a recap of what’s been happening in our lives:


I put the fall quilts on the beds. Tuffy wasted no time in doing his quality control inspection and fiber enhancement process. My quilts are 80% cotton and 20% cat hair!


Don’t ask.
Let’s just say that stucco walls and car doors don’t mix well.
(And yes, it was me who did the deed. Sigh.)


Our newly formed neighborhood quilting group is still going strong! We shop, stitch, and enjoy lunching out. Weekly. I think I may be a bad influence on them, though. Jan has an anniversary coming up soon and her husband said he’d “treat” her to a new sewing machine. Needless to say, we’ve been out looking…. (From left to right: Jan, Charm, Caroline and me.)


Just look at what Charm has accomplished! Her new quilt is simply stunning. Since this photo was taken, she has completed the top to make it a large queen size quilt, including a striking black and white border with yellow prairie points! She has taken my design and made it her own. I’m so proud of her! (Notice she’s wearing black, yellow and white? Just a coincidence, she says. I told her many quilters end up wearing the colors of the quilts they are working on without realizing it…)

And a little getaway…


Kent and I managed to slip away for a few days to celebrate our anniversary in New England and to enjoy the spectacular fall foliage.


Our timing was perfect and we hit the peak season. The leaves and colors didn’t disappoint!


We found a genuine, creepy, haunted house.
Creepier still was the fact that someone was living there….


But we found plenty of traditional New England charm!


Ghostly white pumpkins. Who knew?


The variety of fall colors was a feast for the eyes


and the variety of textures was glorious!


Purple mums — my favorite fall flower.


I had the good fortune to see the Jane Stickle quilt at the Bennington Museum. Although I personally will never become a “Janiac,” I have a newfound appreciation for all those who recreate Jane’s spectacular quilt. Having seen it up close and personal, now I understand what all the fuss is about.


Okay…allow me a little humor here. I’m sure the artist of this statue, which stands on the grounds outside the Bennington Museum, had a clear vision in mind when creating this larger-than-life image of old Abe Lincoln and two naked youngsters. But it made me giggle because I’m quite sure that Mr. Lincoln would not have approved of public nudity in real life.


From the stunning fall foliage in Vermont to


the rugged beauty of the coast of Maine,


to an indescribably delicious Maine lobster dinner (with silly bibs and all)!


The perfect end to a perfect little get-away.

That’s the update from here. What have you been doing lately? Care to share? Because we’d love to hear!

  1. That’s no youngster with Mr. Abe — that’s a young woman in full boobitude! Wowzer. VERY strange combination of subjects. I thought those New Englanders were on the stuffy side…..

    Charm’s quilt is astounding. Prairie points, you say? Kimberly, you just have a knack of unlocking all kinds of quiltabilies in people — a gift for unlocking the gifts. Charm, if you are reading this blog, you have created one beautiful quilt and should be so very proud. There are people who have been quilting for years who would be jealous.

    The trip to New England looks wonderful, and your pictures (as always) are stunning. Good thing you opted for the lobstah instead of the garlic shrimp, huh? Thanks for identifying that old place as a “haunted house”. I though for a minute that maybe Expedia made a mistake and booked you into a very “rustic” B&B.

    Please keep posting those beautiful pictures. They are such a delight. Think of it this way: if you are really busy taking pictures and writing blog entries, you will have less time to get up close & personal with your stucco walls.

  2. Maine lobster (my favorite ) and quilts and fall colors- wow wish I had been there. Happy anniversary.
    The haunted house looked truly scary.

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