Cue the Kleenex


The vignette in the photo doesn’t tell the real story. But if I were to show you what it really looks like around my bed, you’d be grossed out. Used tissues everywhere, nasal spray bottles, opened blister packs of cold medication, empty water glasses, etc. 

I’m sick. With a good old-fashioned wintertime head cold. No, it isn’t the flu. It isn’t even a sinus infection. But this plain, unassuming, garden variety cold has KICKED MY DERRIERE! Ugh….I honestly can’t even remember the last time I felt this poorly. Does the phrase “death warmed over” ring a bell? My sweet husband brought home these pretty posies last night to cheer me up and make me feel better. (They certainly cheered me up.) As far as feeling better, get back to me on that one. 

On the up side (if there is one to being sick), I’ve been reading an awesome book I got for Christmas written by Mary Beth Chapman called “Choosing to SEE.” Mary Beth is the wife of contemporary Christian musician, Stephen Curtis Chapman, and mother of Maria Sue, who was killed in a terrible accident in 2008. This is a wonderful story about her life, their tragic loss, and how they are coping and moving ahead. I highly recommend this book to everyone. Download it to your Kindle, your Nook, check it out at your library or buy it online. You won’t regret reading this incredibly inspirational true story.  

Katie Ringo and me at class. Katie used that really cool Moda fabric line, Origins by Basicgray.

As for other recent events before I got sick, I had a great time presenting my lecture, Jelly Rolls: A Recipe for Design Success! to the Cypress Creek Quilt Guild last week, followed by teaching an all day Jelly Roll mystery quilt class to more than 20 of their very talented and fun-loving members last Saturday. These gals (and guy!) were just terrific sports and we all had fun playing in their piles of strips and piecing the clues together until I revealed the two finished quilts toward the end of class. I made many new friends and look forward to seeing these folks again soon. Be sure to check out two great websites from three of the new friends I made (I think they are terrific — the friends and the websites!) at: Katie’s Quilting Corner and Quilts SB

 In the meantime, I’ve sneezed about sixteen times since I’ve been sitting here at the computer and I’ve used up my available quota of energy to write this. So now I’m going to shuffle over to the couch to curl up with my fluffy fleece blanket and favorite comfy quilt and maybe take a snooze. Oh yes,… and I need to find my Kleenex box.   



  1. Poor baby!!!! Hope you are all better soon. I love Katie’s block with Origins — very cool color combo. While you re fighting those cold bugs, I am going to check out your new friends’ web sites!

  2. Oh, Kimberly, I’m so, so sorry you are ailing right now! When you burn the candle at both ends, it tends to lower your immune system and you end up getting sick. Ask me how I know! In the meantime, I hope you get some Puffs Plus as they are much easier on your nose than Kleenex are!! Hope you feel better really soon! Wish I could just run over with a pot of homemade chicken soup for you. 🙁


  3. Poor thing! Try to get lots of sleep and rest… Feel better soon…

  4. I feel ya! Get better! The bugs going around this year are brutal.

    Also – I LOVE how different the Basic Grey origins fabric looks in different designs. Beautiful.

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