Getting there…

….from where we were, to here.

Doesn’t make much sense, I know. But that’s how life is right now. Chaotic, unsettled, and not yet making sense (enough) for me. I like things organized. Tidy. With things in their rightful place. It makes my heart go pitter-pat when things are as they should be. But I’m learning that life is not like that at all. Most of life is untidy and messy. And I need to adjust and move forward as best I can.

The transition has been fraught with hard work and endless unpacking. Oh, and did I mention all the renovations? And we’re not done yet. There are more boxes to be unpacked, more closets and shelves to be organized, and loads of paperwork and emails to respond to.

On a bright note, though, Birgit is here with her family visiting from Germany for the week. They have been a very bright spot in our summer and we are enjoying our time with them immensely. It is a joyful thing when two families get along as well as ours do. We are so blessed to count them as our dear friends!

I’m sorry for the lack of photos to post. I’ll get to my camera and download some snapshots of our life later on. For now, I just wanted to drop in and let y’all know I’m here.

How is your summer going? Hopefully you’re doing all those vacationy-type activities and enjoying the sunshine. Wherever you are.

  1. Can’t wait to see the new home sewing studio!
    Take your time. Moving is no easy task, and you’ll need to get your bearings before making design decisions.
    Enjoy this beautiful (hot, hot, hot) summer. The unpacking and organizing will still be there after you relax.
    I’m looking forward to your new book. I really enjoyed the first 3.

  2. Miss you already! I know you’ll be happy as a clam when everything gets settled and with your carefully crafted packing system I’m sure that won’t take long.

    I’m catching up on lots of projects and trying to get things done before the November quilt show. Hoping to be able to enter two quilts if possible. Rainbow Insomnia (based on your Rainbow Lonestar) will be entered as my first show quilt.

    I purchased your Craftsy class and I look forward to doing the charming cathedral windows project soon!

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