Giggles and more

First, the giggles…

We went to dinner in the nearby village of Esslingen the other evening. I snapped these photos of our boys clowning around with some local sculptures. They’re just too fun not to share. Hope they inspire a case of the giggles like they did for me:



Next, the more…

As promised, a spiffy tote bag a la Birgit…

Using an office chair for a design prop just doesn’t do justice to this awesome quilted tote bag. Birgit created and stitched one of these gems for each one of our group, the Jelly Angels. and this one is mine. All mine. Her clever “fashion-meets-function” design allows ample room for storing all sorts of necessary items (especially handy for travel) and yet it is lightweight and could be folded up for minimal space (think: luggage) if necessary. I just love it.

But the best part is the nifty closure. Check this out:

Birgit used simple thread “bar tacks” to create a decorative-yet-functional set of faux button holes so I can adjust the closure depending on the amount of “stuff” in my tote bag. How clever is that? Birgit, I simply don’t know how you get so much accomplished. But thank you for your lovely gift! It will be well used and much loved!

Critter update…

And I couldn’t post another blog without sharing these recent photos of my prickly friends with you:

These little guys aren’t the least bit bothered or intimidated by the lady with the camera and bright flash. As long as the buffet is open, they’re obliging!

Ok, how about one more giggle?

Only in Germany would you see a shop window like this:

Yep, that’s how I feel when I have to iron clothes. Why is it, though, I never mind using an iron when it comes to pressing freshly washed quilt fabric?

Cheers, everybody.

  1. One of the things I liked about Birgit’s quilts is that they are assymetrical — she has a real sense of movement in them. Even the closure on that bag is assymetrical — that takes a pretty confident artist to dream up AND pull off. I also like the way the integrated handles are long enough for you to loop them across your body if needed. What a great idea and what a lovely, thoughtful gift for each of her fellow Angels. Every time you use it you will think of her and your Jelly sisters.

    Aw, “Harley” and his buddies are so cute, but not nearly half a cute as the hams in the first set of pictures. How can you not laugh your bobbin off? I want the sculpture of the frau mit hunt for my garden.

    Maybe your next project should be a plastic misting bottle in the shape of the doggie in the window?

  2. You nailed it, Pat, about Birgit’s creations! What kind comments to leave on the blog — I’m sure she’ll be tickled.

    Harley is doing great; I expect him again tonight. I’ll be sure and give him and Capurnicus (named by Josh) your regards! 😉

  3. Pat, you make me blush all the time! Stop doing that 😉 The thing is that I don’t like to do button holes – so I needed to come up with a different solution. Also, I’m cheap and those magnetic closure thingies are expensive. And last but not least, I have been collecting nice big buttons for quite some time – just individual buttons! I thought these bags were the perfect way to showcase them and to add that little something to the bags to make them really special…
    Thanks a lot for all wonderful comments.
    Kimberly, don’t overload the bag – and make sure that the security people at the airport won’t consider it “liquids” as they did with that chocolate spread…


  4. Birgit — Blushing is a GOOD thing. And besides — since many of the German quilters have yet to “discover” you, or they fail to appreciate your exquisite talent, then you must let the US quilters gush a bit! 🙂

  5. Love the statues and their ‘shadow’!!
    Thanks for the closeup of the closure- what a clever idea!!! I make tons of purses and hate the magnetic closures – this tab idea is wonderful- I’ll have to remember to thank Birgit

  6. Robin — thanks for asking for close-up shots of the bag closure. I think it was an awesome idea, and I had fun using my new tote bag as a model for photography!

  7. Just had to say, I love the name of your blog!!

    Have a fantastic day!


  8. I got the giggles…. love it!! It is something my family would do!!!

    Love the tote bag. Would be great for shopping for quilt fabric!!!

  9. Hi, Kimberly! (Love your name….wink….)

    Thanks for stopping by to say you love the name of the blog! Glad it made you smile today…

  10. Hi Kate! I’m tickled you got a giggle out of the photos! You sound like my kind of gal if your family does similar silly things like mine! 🙂 Life is too short not to have FUN, don’t you think? Thanks also for the comments about Birgit’s neat bag — it certainly makes a great tote for any kind of shopping, but I particularly agree about it being perfect for fabric!

  11. *LOL*…what a fun picture…I had to show it to my boyfriend…we’re still giggling…
    Thanks for sharing!

    P.S.: those things spice up our days ;o)

  12. Dear Julia;

    Oh, I’m so tickled you showed the photos to your boyfriend — and you both liked them! That makes my day….

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