The good news, the (bad) sad news, and the giveaway news

First, the good news.

I have chosen a winner! I loved reading all the wonderful comments you left on the last post. Thank you all “sew” much for taking time to drop me a note. Oh my goodness, I wish I was independently wealthy and could afford to send each and every one of you who left a comment on my blog, one of my new books Jelly Roll Quilts & More. But since I promised to pick a winner, congratulations go out to Thimbleina — she is the winner of an autographed copy of my book with my sincere hopes she’ll be inspired to pull the Jelly Roll out of her cupboard and finally use it! 🙂

Surprise, another winner!

But I was so tickled with the responses to my blog that I chose another winner from the entries; this time, from those folks who contacted me directly through my email address and sent me a photo to share with you all. Congratulations to Robin Fremer — she sent me a photo of this beautiful quilt she made using those luscious Bali Pops. It is lovely!

Robin Fremer quilt

Thank you, Robin and Thimbleina! Please contact me at moc.omnieylrebmiknull@ylrebmiK and send me your mailing address; I’ll put a book for each of you in the mail right away. Again, thank you all so much for responding and for all the really kind and encouraging comments about my new book!

And now, the not-so-good news.

I’ve heard many stories directly from the mouths of nationally known teachers and quilters that they have been a victim of a crime. Quilt theft. As shocking and truly inconceivable as this seems to me, apparently it’s true and it happens. And now, it appears to have happened to me. I just wouldn’t have thought it was possible.

Two weeks ago, I gave a presentation for a quilt shop open house here in the local area. It was quite crowded — there was standing room only — and everyone was pleased at the enthusiastic turnout of quilters and sewers. The owner of the shop had asked the teachers for the winter and spring season to present their class projects and even though I will be teaching a mystery quilt class in a few weeks (and therefore, didn’t have a class project to show) I took quite a few of my little quilts and class samples to share. One of the quilts I took with me, Charming Circles, is featured in my new book. After all the presentations were done I was happy to mingle, meet the ladies, and demonstrate how my rulers work to anyone who was interested in learning my techniques. I happily spread out my quilts across the table and passed them around to anyone who wanted to see them.

At the end of the open house, my husband (I call him my  CEO — which stands for “Carries Everything Out“) began to pack up my quilts, samples, and rulers and he asked me if everything was accounted for. I looked through the pile and at that very moment I had a niggling feeling in the back of my mind that “something” was missing. But I honestly couldn’t remember what it was. I told him I thought one of my quilts was missing — but I couldn’t think of which one. Always the detail-oriented guy, he asked me if I had made an inventory sheet of everything I had brought with me that day, and sadly, I admitted I hadn’t taken the time to do so.

Big mistake. Big……huge!

Fast forward to today. This afternoon we were photographing each of the quilts from the book on a quilt rack my Dad built for me. All of a sudden, it hit me like a lightning bolt — my Charming Circles quilt was not in the pile with the other quilts and immediately I knew: it had not come home from the open house! That was it! That was the quilt I couldn’t remember and was missing the day we packed up at the shop!

Immediately, I called the shop owner to ask if she had seen the quilt, which sadly, she had not. Just to be sure, we went through every possible nook and cranny it “could” be here at home. But in my mind — no, in my heart, I knew it was gone that day.

I can hardly wrap my mind around the idea someone could have willingly — no, make that knowingly — taken the quilt and stolen it. How could it be possible that someone could feel so “entitled” to just take what doesn’t belong to her? Surely quilters — such kind, generous, caring, creative, talented, giving people — could not be so low as to think they can just steal a quilt which doesn’t belong to them. How does she sleep at night? How does her conscience allow her to go about her daily routine? Does she have my quilt hanging in her home? Or, guilt ridden, does she have it stashed in the back of a closet or drawer never to see the light of day again; to be enjoyed or inspire someone in the future? It is simply more than I can comprehend or imagine.

And because I was working on such a tight deadline when I made it last winter, I sent the quilt off to my editor without so much as taking a picture of it. Which means, I don’t have a photo of my quilt at all. Just this (from the book):


If someone out there is reading my blog and has my Charming Circles quilt, please return it to me. No questions asked. Really and truly. Or if you see my quilt — just ask the person who has it if they would please give it back. I would just like my quilt returned. Sure, the quilt is small (only 22″ x 22″) and no, it hasn’t won any awards. But that’s not the point. The point is, I made that quilt and it is special to me. It was meant to be part of a collection that would help inspire many other quilters to create a quilt from precuts or scraps. It wasn’t yours to take. So please send it back. Think about how you would feel if someone took a quilt you had made. Not too good, am I right?

Well, readers, thank you for letting me vent my frustration and sadness. Gosh, I wish this never had to happen. But it has and unfortunately, it has made me wiser and much more cautious. I hope I don’t end up just worrying about the quilts I take to show and share with others, when I should be spending my time simply sharing and caring.

 And now…..the news about ANOTHER giveaway!

My friend Mary at Quilt Hollow was kind enough to put a link on her sidebar about my new book. (Thank you, Mary!) And since she put up the link, I’ve received quite a few comments about the giveaway. SO……I’ve decided to open up the comments again and hold a drawing for another book on Friday, January, 22nd. I’ll still send out books to the first two winners — but now I’ll add another one for you all who are just now finding out about the giveaway. So go ahead — make my day — and leave me a comment telling me why you’d like to win this autographed book! 🙂


  1. Dear Kimberly,
    I’m so sorry to hear that your Charming Circles quilt has gone astray! Like you, I hate to suspect that anybody has taken it knowingly. Could it be that one of the other teachers presenting their classes has packed it up accidentally after the open house? I pray and keep my fingers crossed that it will show up again soon.

    Thimbleina and Robin – Congratulations on winning a copy of Kimberly’s book! You’ll just LOVE it!


  2. I am so sorry to hear this. Not everyone who comes to quilt shows understands the love and compassion of quilters. I hope some day, some way this responsible person will feel compelled to do the right thing.
    My sister had a quilt stolen out of a quilt shop where it was on display. How does someone get out of a shop with a full sized quilt.

  3. I remember when you posted quite a while ago about someone who had a number of quilts stolen from a show. Hard to believe that someone would do that, but I guess quilting has its share of bad apples. There is so much invested in a quilt, though — the time, the effort, the creativity. What a shame. Maybe, just maybe, it is as Birgit suggests: another teacher who packed your quilt up along with theirs. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

    On a happier note, I love that Bali Pops quilt that Robin did. If I had enough $$, I’d buy 2 of every variety of those BPs — can’t get enough of those colors and textures! Congrats to Tumbeleina too. Hopefully she’ll post a picture of something she makes from the book.

  4. Hi Kimberly,
    oh my, how awful! Really, how could anyone???? Honestly, there are many quilts out there I would die for to call them my own – but STEALING??? Some people just haven’t any manners….I’m so sorry for you…!
    It’s a charming sweet quilt, though, and I hope you’ll get it back….
    Hugs, Julia

  5. Oh my how very awful! I just can’t imagine that someone would so such a thing. I do hope that you recover your quilt. And thanks for having another giveaway. Your book looks beautiful, and I would love to have an autographed copy. I am just starting to use jelly rolls and it would be wonderful to have great patterns and a terrific coach! Thanks for entering me.

  6. You book looks very interesting. I like using the precuts and am always looking for new ideas.

  7. I’m so sorry your beautiful little quilt was stolen! I hope the person who has it returns it. I would love to win your book because I have three jelly rolls sitting here and I have no idea what to do with them! I admit I like just looking at them, but I suppose I should actually make something out of them at some point! Thanks for the giveaway! :0)

  8. I’m reading more and more about people stealing quilts …. what has happened to the world … it’s turned upside down. I’m so sorry for the loss of your little quilt, I hope it comes home soon. I love the jelly rolls, they’re so much fun. Thanks for reopening for an additional giveaway. Please throw me into the pot.

  9. Oh I am so sorry to read about your little quilt! 🙁 I am hoping it just got mixed in with someone else’s things and it will be returned to you~ did you have a label on it? I hope it comes home soon!
    Congrat’s to your giveaway winners, and thank you so much for doing another drawing! 🙂 Your book looks full of fun! 🙂

  10. I have so always donate or give away LOTS of quilts….baby gifts, anniversary, birthday, wedding, benefits…it’s so nice to have something quick yet great looking to give. Using jelly rolls, honeybuns and other precuts makes it do-able. I’d love to see some fresh new patterns.

  11. So sorry to hear about your quilt. Unfortunately, I have heard of this happening more and more from shops and shows. Love the bali pops quilt and the ones I have seen out of your new book.

  12. Hi Kimberly!!

    It’s a sad world we live in when you can’t trust your fellow quilters…had to have been someone who doesn’t quilt!! Such a cute quilt too…if the rest of the quilts in this book are as gorgeous as the one you lost than I want this book!! Please throw my name into the hat!! ( Mary sent me)…Thanks for the chance to win!

  13. Hello Kimberly!, I’m so sorry to hear what happened with your quilt. It breaks my heart because us, quilters, aren’t that way!, really hope to get the quilt back at you!!!, please keep us uptodated!.
    Btw, I’d like to win the book, because I don’t think I can’t get it here, it’s hard to find quilting supplies here, other than that, an autographed book, it’s like a dream, it’s priceless!!!!, the fact’s hard to find and autographed, geez!, it’s really worth it, and I really like to be one of the lucky recipients!!!

  14. Like others, I’ve arrived here through Quilt Hollow. Enjoying your site and all the sharing you do. I am so sorry that ‘someone’ has taken advantage and instead hope that your quilt is just tucked away accidentally and will be found and returned to you.

  15. I am fairly new to quilting and enjoy reading your blog for inspiration! Keep up the good work. I would love to have your new jelly roll quilt book; I purchased your jelly roll ruler at Joanns and have some jelly rolls just waiting for the perfect pattern – which I know is in your new book (hint, hint)! Thank you for sharing your quilting journey!

    Char S.

  16. I feel so badly for you with this loss! I would feel the same way and wonder how anyone could even enjoy your quilt that they now have…how does the person answer questions about it? what will they say when someone compliments them on it? It’s amazing. I salute you for just going on…what else can you do in a case like this? Anyway, I’d love to be entered for your 2nd giveaway. I’d love to have one of your books for the neato jelly roll patterns. Thanks so much.

  17. Hi Kimberly,
    Just wanted to say thankyou so much for picking me as the winner of one of your books….. it looks delightful! I can’t wait to receive it and hopefully it’ll make me brave enough to dig that jelly roll out of my cupboard and turn it into something beautiful.

    I’m so sorry to hear about your gorgeous little quilt….. hard to believe there are people out there like that! 🙁

  18. Kimberly, I am so sorry about your little quilt. I pray you get your quilt back – we had a yo-yo elephant stolen from our shop, heart breaking. I believe there is a web site to post missing quilts, have you posted there yet? Contact the local guilds for help spreading the word and an amnesty place to turn it in.
    I see Char of WA posted just above me. We were stationed together in AZ and the UK. Since I already ordered my book, I vote for Char. She only started quilting about 2 years ago and gets so much more finished than I ever do. And she has some ingenous ideas for stashing fabric. Your book wouldn’t have a better home than with Char!

  19. It just makes me sick to read this post. I just don’t get where people get the nerve to take something like a quilt. It really does just boggle my mind and makes me sad. Yep, above all else sad. WHY??? Why are others making it harder for honest people to enjoy your work. I don’t and wouldn’t blame you if you went to a “no hands on” policy. THAT’S what makes me sad, but I would completely understand.

    I would love to own an autographed copy of your book! How fun it would be to have a real signed copy! Thanks for the giveaway, and I really do hope somehow the quilt shows up.

  20. Hello Kimberly. I am SO sorry to hear about your quilt. I blogged about this very subject – stolen quilts – just this past Sunday when I read about the 3 stolen quilts in Kentucky. It’s sad to think that one of our own would actually steal from a fellow quilter. I am glad you have a picture to post so we can all keep our eyes out for it. Hopefully it will be found soon. You might also want to post a picture of it at, a site dedicated to lost and stolen quilts, which attracts many, many readers. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

  21. Sorry Kimberly, I had given you the wrong e-mail address in my last comment. I have posted on our site about your stolen quilt and linked to this page. The more people who see your quilt the better!

  22. I am sorry to hear of your quilt being stolen. I can’t believe another quilter would do that…..maybe there was someone at the shop who was NOT a quilter but was just wanting something nice for their home? While that doesn’t make it right, I’d feel better knowing it was NOT a quilter who took it……as that would ruin my impression that all quilters are wonderful people. *sigh*

    As for you book, I’d love to have it because I have acquired a few jelly rolls and they sit UNTOUCHED because I don’t know what to do with them….so I need HELP with that!!!

  23. That is JUST TERRIBLE! People should be ashamed of themselves… I do hope the thief reads these comments, and has the goodness in their heart to DO THE RIGHT THING, and return your little beauty.

    I would love a copy of your book, thanks for your generosity despite your loss.

  24. I am so sorry about the loss of your quilt! Hopefully it was an honest mistake and will be returned to you soon!

    I would LOVE to win a copy of your book. I got back into quilting right when the pre-cuts were starting to show up and love to be able to use an entire collection with a minimum of cutting!

  25. So sorry to hear about your quilt. My LQS has had quilts stolen. After LQS posted messages about their stolen quilts at least a couple were returned so I’m hoping that yours will be returned, too. I would love to win your book.

  26. How sad that a very, very, very few people can cause all the many, many, many wonderful (honest!) quilters and quilt teachers to have to be watchful of possible theft of their quilts. I will post this on my blog. Hopefully, one of my readers will recognize your quilt and be able to help you recover it. Beautiful book, by the way!

  27. Before I tell you why I would like to win a copy of your book, I am sad and mad with you over the stolen quilt. Some things are just too hard to figure out, such as the heart of a person who could so easily walk into a quilt store and rob someone of something cherished. Let him (her) who steals, steal no more!!!

    Your book cover is delightful! The happy fabrics and quilts stir within me the flames of learning something new (I’ve never sewn with jelly rolls before). I would love to win this book, hug it to my chest, then curl up with a warm quilt and hot cocoa, and traipse through all the future possibilities on its pages!

    Thanks! I hope you get your quilt returned.

  28. I read about your quilt being stolen on the HGTV message board. This is so sad and I am sorry that someone did this to you. Your work is beautiful and I hope you keep it up and don’t let this disillusion you. Hoping it gets returned to you and was maybe picked up by mistake as I don’t like to think that us quilters as a group could be so hurtful.

  29. I get really upset when I hear of quilts being stolen. Shame, shame, shame on those involved in this theft! I hope your quilt reappears soon!

    Your book sounds absolutely delightful. I have an AccuQuilt cutter and am always looking for ways to make quilts for charity fundraisers, as well as use jelly rolls and bali pops to make quilts for my home or gifts. AS such, your book looks inspirational! Oh how I hope I win a copy! I’d also love to share insights about it on my blog too!


  30. Kimberly, My prayer is that it was mistakenly tucked into a stack of fabric and will soon find it’s way home to you. I know exactly how you feel. In college (40+ years ago) one of my roommates took my quilt when she moved out. It was appliqued pansies made by my Mother and Grandmother. To this day, I regret that I couldn’t recover that quilt (roommate denied taking it when confronted) and I still look for it on lost quilt websites, eBay, etc. I will keep my eye out for your quilt also. Don’t give up hope.

  31. Found your blog from Quilt Hollow. How truly awful and sad for you to lose your beautiful quilt. The depths some people will sink to is astonishing. On a happy note though, as a newbie quilter, I’m so happy to have found your blog, and look forward to learning many new things from you.

  32. I fervently hope that somehow your quilt will be returned to you, in a way that helps restore your faith in people. How heartbreaking for you. I will be watching for it.

    I’d love to win a signed copy of your book. I have many strips ready for use.

  33. So sorry to hear about your quilt being stolen. I hope it will be returned to you. I have a friend who works in a quilt shop and they are seeing an increase in stolen items, it is sad when a few people ruin the image of quilters. But as a whole, I still choose to believe that quilters are wonderful, generous and caring people. Which is exactly what you are. I hope that you will continue to share your talents and knowledge with others, and not be too discouraged by what has happened to you.

  34. Like you, I just can’t imagine someone being bold enough to steal a quilt (or anything for that matter) right in the middle of a crowded shop like that! It’s amazing what some people will do…it’s a sad world that we are living in. With your permission, I would like to post the photo of your quilt on my blog and help spread the word of your missing quilt. Maybe it will turn up if enough people are made aware that it has been stolen.

  35. I am sorry to hear of your quilt that has gone missing and I hope it reappears soon. If it was taken by someone, I hope their heart is convicted and they feel the need to return it. 🙁

    I found out about your blog through Alderwood Quilts and will be returning as a regular visitor as I like your work and am intrigued by your book. I love jelly rolls and am always looking for ideas on how to use them so would love a chance to win a copy of your book. Thank you!

  36. It makes me so angry to hear about your quilt being stolen. What kind of person can enjoy a stolen quilt??? I really hope you will get it back somehow, someday….

    I’d love to win your new book. I have bought two jelly rolls a while ago but didn’t have any idea for a jelly roll quilt yet.

  37. What a horrible thing to happen to your quilt. I hope it finds its way home to you, and soon.

    Thank you for being so generous to offer another giveaway. I’d love the book because I’m always looking for new ideas.

  38. That is terrible, someone swiping your little quilt! It was so beautiful! I would love to have the book with its photo. I hope you get your quilt back.

  39. There is nothing more sad that someone taking a piece of original art that belongs to the artist! I can’t believe someone can sleep at night or look at themselves in the mirror.
    I would love to be the proud owner of your new autographed book because the quilts in it look so amazing and jelly rolls are one of my favorite pre-cuts! Thank you for the opportunity!

  40. I would love to win a copy of your book. I enjoy working with precuts and would like new ideas. I can’t imagine how you feel about someone stealing your quilt – we have had one disappear from the quilt shop I work at. It awful to think about a quilter doing that.

  41. How sad to lose one of your precious works of art. I hope it comes back to you soon!

    Thanks for the opportunity to receive one of your books.

  42. Oh that makes me angry. That adorable quilt was your brain child. Your blood (watch out for needle pricks!), sweat and now tears have gone in to that quilt. I have never understood how people could steal from another. I just don’t get it.

    I hope you recover your quilt. I’ll be sending “guilt vibes” to the person that took it. That will make them give it back!

    Thanks for the 2nd giveaway. I posted on the original post about the giveaway but I’ll double check to make sure that I didn’t put it in the wrong spot.

  43. I can’t believe a quilter would take a quilt knowning the amount of work involved. I sincerely hope it turns up someplace unexpected and didn’t acquire two legs. Congratulations on your new book, I would love to win it.

  44. So sorry that someone took your little quilt. I don’t understand why people would take something that does not belong to them. I hope they develop a concience and send it back to you. I would love to have one of your books as inpiration. I have just gotten a couple of batik jelly rolls and would love to use your book to use them with. Thank you for the chance to win one of your books. I also left a message on the newer post but thought to be safe I would leave one here also. Thanks and happy stitching.

  45. I have blogged about your missing quilt on my blog too. I hope that it gets home safely and i will keep my eyes pealed too.

  46. That is just so sad to think someone stole your quilt. I just can’t believe they would have the nerve. Maybe someday it will surface. I would love to have one of your books. Love the bali pop quilt.

  47. Kimberly I’m sorry to hear about your stolen quilt. It just stinks, i don’t know how anyone can do something like this. hope fully the word is out and it will be returned to you. There is a site where you can post lost or stolen quilts You should post the picture on this site. I know that quilts have been recovered because of this website.
    Good luck.

  48. Kimberly,

    I was so saddened with the loss of your quilt. I hope that it was a “mistake” and is returned to you pronto! Robin’s quilt was FAB! Just got some Bali Pops, hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder?
    I need some inspiration to get me out of the Midwinter Blues and would love an autographed copy of the book. I would trudge trough the snow and sleet(never mind, that’s the mailman) but I would show it off proudly. Thanks for the chance!

  49. I hope that you able to get your quilt back-it such a terrible thing to happen-
    As for your giveaway , I love quilt books and I am looking for some inspiration- I love the quilt that is made from the Bali pops- is it your pattern?
    I have placed your name on my blog list and looking forward to reading your blog on a regular basis.
    Warmest regards from a Western Canadian quilter,

  50. So sorry to read about the loss of your quilt. It is just gorgeous. I would love to win a copy of your book to make my own Charming Circles. Just so love it. It is so fresh and inspiring

  51. I am so sorry about your loss. The quilt looks just adorable, but I would rather make it from the book. I can’t even imagine how a person could live with themself by STEALING a quilt. If it had been me, Iwould have been crushed.

    thanks for having a give-away. I’ve never won, but you just never know.

    Julia Sackett
    addicted quilter

  52. Hi Kimberly, I posted about your missing quilt on my blog, thought you would like to see these messages. Best wishes, Lis


    Happy Cottage Quilter said…

    Thanks for posting this. I agree, the more we spread the word, maybe the quilt can be recovered. It is a very sad thing to happen.
    Wednesday, January 20, 2010
    Sandy said…

    So very sorry for the loss of your little quilt. I, too, cannot fathom what goes through people’s minds that steal like that. I pray that it will be returned to you soon!
    Wednesday, January 20, 2010
    Notjustnat said…

    Hi Lis, I have heard of it very often amongst the quilters that travels. My friend is a quilt designer and teacher. She goes to Houston and other markets in the US and she hand carries her quilt samples. She told me horrid stories of stolen quilts. Yes it does happens, sad but true! Sorry that you lost your special quilt, at least you had it publish. Congratulations.
    I am working on your little gift I hope it will cheer you up – Hugs Nat
    Wednesday, January 20, 2010
    Jenny said…

    How awful that such a thing could happen to you, especially as you were amongst a group of quilters at the time. It certainly leaves a bad taste in the mouth, doesn’t it. So sorry for your loss.

    Jenny from NZ
    Thursday, January 21, 2010
    Lis said…

    Thank you for your lovely words although there seems to have been a bit of a misunderstanding probably due to the way I posted this. It isn’t a quilt of mine that is missing but one belonging to Kimberly, I was just spreading the word. I’ve cut and pasted your thoughts to Kimberly who I am sure will appreciate your condolences.
    Thursday, January 21, 2010

  53. How sad for you Kimberly. I have posted a message on my blog. I don’t know if it will help.

  54. I’m so sorry someone took your beautiful quilt. I’ve known quilters to be the most generous and truly kind and helpful. I hope that it was just a mistake and someone comes forward. Congratulations on your new book, I would love to be entered in your giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.

  55. Hi Kimberly, I am so sorry to hear that your quilt went missing. It is hard to imagine that someone came in with the intent to steal a “labor of love” ! What a world! I hope it turns up soon.
    I, too, love the bali pop quilt, my only jelly roll quilt was made with a bali pop. Please enter me in your contest.
    I hope a peaceful feeling returns to you soon.

  56. OH that is just horrible that someone would steal your hard work! I cannot fathom that another quilter would do such a thing, it’s just unimaginable! I guess the reality of life though, and that stinks!

    I would LOVE a copy of your book – I can just imagine your quilt ”charming circles” done in black/white and white/black fabrics with a hint of a ‘pop’ color – like red, or maybe royal blue or maybe even an apple green. My teen son has asked me to make him a quilt, and this may just be the one! If I only had an idea of how you made it. The only quilt I’ve done with curved piecing is a wedding ring quilt I did when I was pregnant with my now-18 year old son who is in college.

    I am crossing my fingers for you that your quilt is returned and you will be able to get a picture of it on the rack that your Dad built for you. Hopefully you had a label on the quilt?

    Take care,

  57. Oh Kim I am so sorry it -is unfortunate that in our current cultural climate there is such an attitude of entitlement. On Christmas Day someone stole the wreath and poinsettia plant from my son’s memorial, it is such a terrible feeling of violation when someone feels entitled to what is not theirs.
    I would love to win your book & I would make you a little quilt to replace yours!
    I am going to blog about your loss and I will link to your blog.

  58. I’m so sorry someone took your quilt! I can’t imagine why anyone would do such a thing. I f they wanted that particular one-they should’ve bought the book and made their own!

    Maybe, perhaps, someone who attended your presentation, accidentally picked up the quilt with their stuff and haven’t even look at that stuff since-so they don’t even know they have it! So maybe there’s hope! I would post a note at the LQS where you did the presentation-asking everyone to please look through their things.

    I would love to have a copy of your book Kimberly. BTW-My eldest daughter is named Kimberly! It’s Kimberly Rene and her nick name is NeNe.

  59. Sorry about your generosity of sharing with quilters something you had painstakingly sewed and quilted, then somebody takes it. Nothing such as that has happened to me, but the other night before the guild meeting, I quickly sewed together a BOM block to donate, they suggested if you reworked the block to bring it in to show. I debated, took the block to donate, but left my finished block. The thing was, I barely had enough material to finish up the blocks that I reworked to use in a quilt I am doing. Me being not too trusting of a person did not bring it in for fear of someone taking it, not that it was so wonderful, but I would be short for my project. I worry about something such as that happening, people are greedy at times and want the pattern and will do that just to get it. As word of this gets out there, it will make quilters a little apprehenstive about bringing treasured quilts along to show, then we all lose.

  60. Good Morning Kimberly,
    What a sad, sad thing that happened to your quilt. I just can’t imagine a quilter/quilt lover stealing another quilter’s quilt right out from under them. I don’t understand how anyone could do such a thing. I hope that the thief will return your quilt quickly.

    I would love to be included in your book giveaway. I have never used precuts for a quilt & would love to give it a try. Thank you.


  61. Good Morning Kimberly,
    What a sad, sad thing that happened to your quilt. I just can’t imagine a quilter/quilt lover stealing another quilter’s quilt right out from under them. I don’t understand how anyone could do such a thing. I hope that the thief will return your quilt quickly.

    I would love to be included in your book giveaway. I have never used precuts for a quilt & would love to give it a try. Thank you.


  62. Hello Kimberly – My condolences about your lost quilt. Our quilts have so much of ourselves invested in them by the time they are completed that they become quite dear. Hopefully the person will read your post and have a nag of conscience and send the quilt back “home”. I’ve just begun collecting some of the pre-cut fabrics and would enjoy winning a copy of your book. You teachers, designers, and book writers enrich my world. Thank you for sharing your talents with us!

    Birmingham, AL

  63. This is terrible and I am so sorry this happened to you. Maybe blogging about it will help you find it.

  64. It’s terrible that somebody at a quilt show would do this! I hope you get it back. I don’t know how a person could live with the shame of doing such a thing.
    After such a rotton ordeal I am amazed at your generosity of having a give away. I’m always looking for patterns to use pre-cuts, it would be wonderful to win your book.
    Thank you for having a give away, and I hope the quilt shows up. Sharon.

  65. Hello Kimberly, I found this link, maybe it’s useful for you and you could have your quilt returned ASAP!!!!, I’m going to keep my fingers and toes crossed until it appears and also for the giveaway you’re having as well!!!! 🙂

  66. Hello Kimberly, I found this link, maybe it’s useful for you and you could have your quilt returned ASAP!!!!, I’m going to keep my fingers and toes crossed until it appears and also for the giveaway you’re having as well!!!! 🙂

  67. I read about the theft of your charming little quilt on the “Quilt Hollow” blog. I’m so sorry that this happened to you, and hopefully passing word around will push the guilty party towards returning it.

    I would love to be the lucky winner of your book giveaway. Lately I’ve been cutting my own jelly rolls from nearly every fabric I pull out of my large stash, and it’s time to stop counting them and petting them and start using them. A new book would be the right shove to get me going.
    I’ll be thinking positive thoughts about the safe return of your little quilt.

  68. Kimberly, I am so sorry to hear about your quilt being stolen. I hate to think of a quilter doing such a dirty deed. All I can figure is she needed it more than you, maybe she needed to sell it for food money or house payment money. regardless I hope sooner, rather than later, you get this back!

    On a brighter note I have to tell you I looked through your book at one of my favorite quilt stores last week (Sew-A-Lot in Centerville OH, which I understand you used to frequent) and couln’t stop thinking about it all week. So I went back and bought it. I love the quilt with the Pinwheels and flying geese and just bought the Boutique collection so want to do it in that pattern. I went to my local JoAnns today to look for the EZ Star and Geese ruler but they didn’t have it, so came to this sight to buy it!

    You will be bookmarked on my computer and hopefully I will get back often to keep up on your blog!

    • Stephanie; What a lovely note! Thank you so much for taking time to write and tell me about your experience with the book. I love Sew A Lot — and yes, it was my “home shop” when we used to live in Kettering! (We still own a home there, so you never know when we’ll be back…) I’m just tickled that you found patterns in the book you want to make, and I think the Pinwheel puzzle quilt will be perfect with the Boutique collection of fabrics! Do send me a photo!!! I’ve got rulers in stock and ready to send; honestly, you won’t believe how well it works with jelly roll strips and other precuts. You’ll love it! Hope you’ll check back often and please keep in touch. Would love to hear from you!

  69. I was so sorry to hear about the theft, it’s shocking. A quilter should know better (say that in an Ent voice to get the full effect). Thank you for offering another copy of your book, I’ve been seeing rave reviews all over Blogland; as a fairly new quilter I’m up for any and all instruction!!

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