Welcome back!

 I’m so glad you’re here! Gosh, I’ve missed you. (Seriously!)

Its been quite a summer, hasn’t it? How have you all spent your summer months? Resting? Reading? Spending time with family? Gardening? Vacationing? Quilting? Do tell – I’m listening and would LOVE to hear how you spent your time this summer.

As you may remember when I took time off from the blog as of my last posting in early July, I was right in the middle of transitioning our household from Germany back to the US. Well all I can say is “whoa.” What a transition. For me it was a tumultuous summer of hard work, unpacking (I hope I don’t see another large brown box or packing material anytime soon) and getting our family settled and ready for new schools, a new job, new church, new friends…..etc.

Sadly, I confess I haven’t spent a single moment stitching (which I have missed terribly) or doing anything quilt-related. I needed to focus on our family and being a Mom. But I’m in serious need of color therapy. Now that the boys are in school and hubby is firmly settled at his new job, the next few weeks will be mine. All mine . Time to catch up, figure out where I left off, and jump-start my fun little quilting career once again. I’ve got emails and contracts waiting, and classes and workshops to plan for 2010.

I’ve also got LOTS to share with you in the coming days and weeks. Really fun stuff. I’ve got BIG news in the publishing department; a grand re-introduction of a new tool, an awesome recap – complete with photos – of the amazing time I had at Quilt Iowa 2009, and more. I’ll try to post every day or two (so come back often!) to fill you in on all the exciting news. Heck, it will be fun just to get caught up on all the day-to-day, rather ordinary stuff, too.

But we had a date today; you and me. I promised you something really special and I aim to keep all my promises. So on my website home page, under the heading of “Do U do KMQs?” you’ll find a brand new, never-before-released original mystery quilt pattern with a quirky name: Anvils Are Beautiful.

Intrigued? I hope so! As of today, I’m resurrecting MYSTERY QUILT FRIDAYS WITH KIMBERLY. Check back each Friday for the next seven weeks for another clue to download until the finished quilt is revealed.  And there’s no way you’ll EVER guess what the finished quilt will look like. I just love surprises — especially when they’re for someone else, don’t you?

So, what are you waiting for? Drop me a line or two in the comments section and tell me about your summer. Gosh, I’d love to know. Then scoot over to my home page and download the supply list and cutting instructions for the newest mystery quilt. I’ll see you back here in a day or so, OK?

Great! Now hop to it. What fun! 

PS — I forgot to mention……(and this is BIG!)……the first three people who send me photos of their completed Anvils quilt tops (and I’m not even requiring them to be quilted — how easy is that?) I’ll award a special prize! Woo hoo! 

  1. She’s Baa-ack!!!!!!!!!!!

    What a wonderful surprise! I’m so glad to hear that your family is settled, everything is in order (or at least most of it), and you have some time to pursue your passion. I had another major surprise the other day when my issue of Quilter’s Home arrived. There on the cover, right under a huge picture of Mark Lipinski and his dogs, was your name: Famous Quilters Share Their Most Important Quilt. I remember your telling me about it in Lancaster, but I guess the info must have hidden in one of the closets of my mind. Wow, Kimberly! That quilt is stunning. Not only is it stunning, it is a remarkable blending of personal history and quilting art. What a treasure! And what a great thing it was to share it with all of us, who would probably never get to see something military-related like that.

    I’m looking forward to all of those postings you probably have stacked up in your head and in catching up with your adventures. I enjoy reading them so much!

    Take care — I need to go check out that Anvil quilt. You know me and mysteries!

    • Hi Pat! It’s great to hear from you — I’m so glad you came back for the big “grand opening” of the fall season here. Well, I must tell you — you knocked my socks off with your comment this morning (truly!). I had NO idea about being mentioned on the cover of the newest issue of Quilters Home Magazine! Wow — I can hardly wait to see it! I even stopped at a few stores this morning when I was out and about to see if they had the fall issue of QHM for sale, but they still have the summer issue displayed. I sure am bouncing with excitement now, though. And I hope you’ll make the newest mystery quilt — knowing how you have such a fantastic ability to combine fabrics and colors, I can hardly wait to see what you come up with! And this will give you a chance to use your new Jelly Roll Ruler, too — fun, fun!
      I’m on my way over to your blog to check it out. To all my blog readers….check out imalldeckedout.blogspot.com for a great blog to read! Pat has such a talent for both quilting and writing!

  2. She’s Baa-ck !!!!!!!
    Where did the summer go??? Welcom back. My summer was spent with no new quilt starts. Fun sewing on the different piles all around the house. May June went and I realized that I had no finished anything, just moved along, and found a lot of loved starts. So…. worked on finishing something, anything, well, it had to be quilt related. A couple of things finished and now it is September and time for some NEW projects…. so off to check the Anvil quilt and the KMQ’s….

    • Mimi — Boy, you’re right — where did the summer go! But it sounds like you had a good summer and I’m really happy to hear that you actually finished some quilting “starts.” That’s a great feeling, isn’t it? You can start something new (hope it will be the KMQ Anvils Are Beautiful quilt) completely guilt free! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I loved hearing from you!

  3. Hi Kimberly, glad you are back. I too moved, but only 400km South, where the weather is cooler and more temperate. It has been really busy, and like you I have not done any stitching (except for mending – but that does not count!), so hope to get into it soon. Your mystery quilt sounds like a great place to start. I look forward to the instructions week by week. I love a mystery! Greetings from Australia. Sandra (Sam)

    • Hi Sam! Thank you for such a warm “welcome back!” I’m so glad to hear from you. I’m sending your all kinds of good vibes to you about your move this summer, too. Are you unpacked and settled yet? Most importantly, do you have your sewing area all set up and ready to go? (smile….) 400km is no small move across town, so I’m sure it was rather traumatic for you as well. Hope you feel settled soon. I’m just delighted you are ready to start a new mystery quilt — I think you’ll really love this one. Especially if you use a jelly roll and layer cake, OR have lots of scraps you want to use up!
      Thanks again for leaving me a comment; you made my day!

  4. Welcome back! What a nice b-day present you have given me – starting your blog again. I kept checking thinking you wouldn’t be able to stay away but you are stronger than I am. Life is gearing up here. Our quilt show is just over a month away, I got another merchant this week which is great. I still have 8 booths open and keep trying to fill them. A friend’s hubby is providing a quilt rack as the prize for our Merchant Mall Hop, which ticks off one task. I have passed the Live Demos scheduling off to my co-chair, we only found out about 2 weeks ago that it was part of our job – something new for this position.
    I dropped off quilt show entries today for my round robins quilts (2) and my other group’s quilts (5). I still need to get a label on my “My Secret Garden” quilt, one of 5 of these quilts done and for display only at the show.
    I have the Irish Quilting magazines to make your quilt. What a beautiful quilt. Now I read that you are doing your Friday’s again. Not enough time in the day. And the great news that my guild and shop are going to have that wonderful quilter, Kimberly Einmo in 2010.
    Again, welcome back. Have a great holiday weekend.

      So, was your birthday actually yesterday? You and I are both Virgos, baby. My birthday is next Wednesday (ok, the secret is out now….)
      What did you all do special to celebrate? Did Mike surprise you in a special way? Do tell!
      You are one busy gal, and the shop owner is lucky to have you on staff! The guild is VERY blessed as well. Wish I could attend your quilt show — it sounds like it will be fabulous! I’ve got to tell you, I’m SO excited to be coming to teach at your shop (and guild) and spend time with you next August. Woo hoo! It’s going to be fun working with you to get all the details set up, including the two trunk shows that are scheduled. Thanks for the kind words about the Irish Quilting Magazine mystery quilt (Windblown Stars) — that has to be one of my favorite quilts as well. I love the colors! I can’t wait to see what yours will look like — you have impeccable taste in choosing colors. Again, happy birthday! Hope you’ll spend the whole weekend celebrating…

  5. Hi Kimberly,

    glad to hear that you all are settled in your new home and you ‘survived’ your move! (I only hope there weren’t too many sherds – something always gets broken….)
    Even more glad to hear that you now have a little bit more time to spend quilting & even have a fun mystery quilt for us! And of course congrats on being featured in QHM – wohoooo! {I’ll see if I can get it somewhere here, have to have a look on it}.
    My summer was quite busy – sadly not filled with quilting (though I managed to finish some birthday pressies and even started one or two quilts). But as the cool days arrive, I hope to spend some more time with my hobby…
    One of the quilts I started is just for me {I used your ruler – it’s just so handy, I even use it for non-Jelly-Roll projects because of the size ;o)}. It’s already (spray)basted and I hope to get it finished for my birthday. Which is next week. Hmpf. So I think once again I won’t attain my goal *g* – well, birthdays are every year, and I didn’t tell which year I wanted to have it finished *g*.
    Although I won’t have the time to sew your mystery, I’m already excited about it – so I’m looking forward to the clues!
    Hugs, Julia

    • Another birthday girl! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JULIA! Wow — Jan just left a message saying it was her birthday, and mine in on September 9th. What day is YOUR actual birthday? Gosh, wouldn’t be great to have some sort of “virtual” birthday party? 🙂
      Sounds like you had a good summer, and I truly miss the cooler days of the coming autumn…. Have the leaves started to change colors where you’re at yet? I just stopped by your blog and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your applique and beautiful colors! (Hey readers – check out her blog!) I tried to leave a comment, but for some reason I just couldn’t get it to accept my comments. (I’m sure it was operator error…..I just need to figure out what I was doing wrong.) Thank you, thank you ever so much for your wonderful comments about my ruler — you have no idea how excited to hear that you like the size! I haven’t had much feed back about it yet, so this is great information. Let me know when your actual birthday is so I can wish YOU a very happy birthday on your special day!

  6. Is anyone else having trouble clicking on Kimberly’s link (above) for her website home page? I get a “page not found” error message.

    • Hey, y’all — I think I fixed the link and it should be working now! Thanks for the heads up, Pat!

  7. yay – I have you on my google reader and have been waiting to hear from you. I’m recuperating from surgery – not too bad and knitting a lot and quilting a little bit. The best news is that you will be coming to my quilt guild in March! I can’t wait.

    • Hi, Robin! Gosh, you have no idea how good it feels to have been missed! Thank you so much for watching for my blog “return” on your Google reader. So sorry to hear you had to have surgery (that’s certainly no fun) but I’m very glad to hear you are recuperating and getting to knit and actually do some quilting while you’re getting better. You must be a member of the Illini County Stitchers? I’m VERY excited to be heading your way in March (can’t wait!) and looking forward to meeting you in person! In the meantime, keep getting better everyday!

  8. check your email. I was able to scan the cover and article from Quilters’ Home. It’s a good thing your name is under the face of the cutest dog on the cover.

    • Thank you, Pat! Wow– what a great surprise! I love the scanned pages you sent and will try to post them on the blog tomorrow! Woo hoo! And you’re right — they did put my name under the cutest pup on the cover. Kind of looks a little like me, too….don’t you think? (wink, smile….)

  9. Hi Kimberly. I’d dropped you a note earlier but I’m sure in the move you didn’t get it. It was regarding the Chrysalis Log Cabin pattern I’d been looking for. I put an ad in the American Quiter and have had 3 responses, one from Switzerland even! Anyway I have this old pattern now, good news for American Quiter Magazine readers, their classifieds work.

    I’ve got your Rhine Wine quilt pieced and ready to quilt. After you increased the size for me, it took more blocks but it is beautiful. Thank you so much. When I get it quilted you’ll get a photo.

    I’ll check out the new one but it’s not on my web site today so I’ll watch for it. 9/07/09

    • Dear Ann,

      GREAT news! Oh, I’m so glad to hear that some wonderful American Quilter magazine readers came through for you with the Chrysalis Log Cabin pattern. And how exciting you even heard from someone in Switzerland! Maybe you’ve got a new pen pal now! I’m just so tickled that you like the change in size for the Rhein Wein quilt — can’t wait to see it! You are sweet to follow up and let me know how things worked out…….have a great week!

  10. Kimberly,
    So happy to ‘see’ you again! I am excited to check out your Anvil mystery quilt too! You are so much fun! I’m sorry you need thread and color therapy, but I am sure you have a GREAT therapist! I personally don’t have a blog but I love reading others’ blogs! Thank you for all your hard work to make our hobbies and businesses so much fun!

    Welcome back to the states and the midwest!!

    Love ya!
    LynnEl in Illinois

    • Hi LynnEl!

      It is great to be back — both to the US and also back here blogging once again! I can’t tell you how nice it is to see all these lovely comments on the blog — and also glad to know you have downloaded the supply and fabrics list for the new mystery quilt. Woo hoo! You may not have a blog, but I “watch” you on Facebook and you always have such nice things to say. What a treasure you are! Thanks again for stopping and taking time to leave me a comment here – you made me smile!

  11. I see you found the quilt pattern Chrysalis log cabin Is it available for sale I have been looking for it since I saw a picture of it in Quilters Newsletter Magazine (an old copy) and hope it is available Thanks Ev

  12. Hi, just surfing the net and found you site neat. was wondering what ever happened to Maria McCormick-Snyder? Saw Chrysalis years ago and just was wondering what she was up to. thanks

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