
Dodger  (June – October 2020)

I have heartbreaking news to share with you. Our sweet little bundle of kitten cuteness, Dodger, passed away suddenly in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. 

We were awakened to strange sounds and when we found him, it became quickly apparent something was terribly wrong. In the 90 seconds it took Kent to throw on some clothes to take Dodger to the emergency animal hospital, and while I was frantically calling them, Dodger stopped breathing. We tried to clear his airway but it all happened so quickly and our sweet kitten was gone — even before we reached the emergency vet, which took less than five minutes. The doctor and technicians ran to meet the car in the parking lot but there was simply nothing they could do to save him. The vet told us later there was no sign of trauma and he hadn’t swallowed any foreign object. She believes he either had a virus or some sort of undiagnosed illness but nothing we could have done would have changed the outcome. 

Although just as heartbreaking, we feel more equipped through experience to mourn and say goodbye to our older pets who have lived long, happy, healthy lives. But losing a kitten? Neither of us have ever had to endure anything like this before. We are completely broken hearted. Just yesterday, I took the photo (above) of Dodger as he sat on my ironing board next to my work station. He was purring and so content. I even posted on social media (now removed) that he was thriving. How could this possibly have happened so fast? I’m at a loss for words and how to grieve for this little fellow who so completely wrapped himself around our hearts.

Cheeto and our other furry family members absolutely sense that he’s gone. When Cheeto is stressed or upset (in the past, because of my traveling) he acts out by leaving us a “package” outside the litter box. He hasn’t acted out in this way for the longest time. But sure enough….within an hour of losing Dodger, Cheeto expressed his angst and upset in the only way he knows how. Poor guy. Somehow he knows. They all KNOW

We’ve cried. We’ve done the “what ifs and if onlys.” We’ve cried some more. This is hard. Losing any family member, is hard. Telling our boys was even harder. We all cried even more.

However, we do know this: we’ll never forget Dodger or love him less. But we’ll adopt again. Its what we do. Our rescue pets have blessed our lives with unconditional love and provided so much happiness, laughter and comfort to our family. So we’ll absolutely find it in our hearts to open them and our home once again. We have endless love and all the warm feels for cold noses. And we have the ability and means to take in another rescue kitty to ensure one less homeless pet in the world. Can you imagine if everyone who is able would adopt a shelter pet? The shelters would empty.

We’ll be laying low for the next couple of days, under the radar. Thanks for your love and understanding. 

  1. I am so sorry. hugs. You gave him a wonderful all but short life. thank you for being so caring.

  2. Oh, Kimberly, I am so sad to hear this. It’s hard enough to lose our furry family members who have been with us for years and have lived long happy lives. I understand completely how traumatic this is having experienced something similar several years ago. The mourning is real so take your time and know that your friends feel your pain and we have you wrapped in our virtual arms.

  3. I am so sorry for you loss, what a heartbreak, you did all you could possibly do. May God Bless you all…

  4. Kimberly and Kent, we send our love and prayers. God bless!!! ❤️

  5. I am so very sad for you and your fur family. Dodger got so much love in such a short time he was blessed to have found you even if it was for such a short time.

  6. You know he was loved in his short time here, and that is a good thing. Blessings on your home 🙂

  7. I am so very sorry, Kimberly….

  8. Oh Kim and Kent, I am without words. Sending all the love and healing thoughts I can your way as you come to terms with your profound and sudden loss. Be well, and know you are so very loved.

  9. Oh Kimberly, I am so sorry to hear about Dodger. It is small consolation at the moment but know that you and Kent gave him such love and care in his too short life. Take the time you all need to mourn his passing, we are thinking of you all.

  10. I’m so very sorry for you and Ken’s loss today. I know all too well the pain and emptiness in your hearts. I lost my rescue puppy in May secondary to acute renal failure, she had only turned 1 the week before. I am still grieving as are my other dogs, but I adopted another rescue dog who is a total sweetheart. I, like you both, always have room in my heart for another, yet never forgetting those that have gone over the Rainbow Bridge. My prayers to you both for peace in your heart as you grieve over the sudden loss of Dodger. You will continue to love him and all of you were blessed to have each other. You all are in my thought and prayers tonight. ??????????

  11. I’m so sorry ?. I lost my tux cat of 18 yrs – Bobbin cried for a long time ! Hug s

  12. So very sorry for your loss, we love our pets so much it breaks our hearts when we lose a family member. Hugs!

  13. We lost our title baby, Sassafras, unexpectedly. He was just a tiny kitten. I’m not over that little baby yet. I have adopted since and have two terrific cats. When Ozzie, one of them, was young, he was sick. I made the vet keep him for two days and hook him up to an IV! For that, I had some warning. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is. 🙁

  14. I’m so very sorry, Kimberly. It’s so heartbreaking to lose a fur baby. {{{Hugs}}} to all. ?

  15. So sorry this has happened, pets are family and they are such a joy to have. I will pray for y’all to have comfort and peace. Thinking of y’all, love y’all.

  16. Kimberly, Iam so sorry for you loss. I have cried at the loss of all my pets, but no matter the hole they leave, we always adopt a new friend. Good thoughts for your family and other pets in your loss.

  17. We also lost our orange tabby, also named Dodger, a few weeks ago.

    Our Dodger came to us as an abandoned baby found in the parking lot of the mall. (Hence the name, Dodger of Cars.) He was only a few weeks old and could fit in the palm of my hand. That was 18 years ago. Raising a kitten from bottle to old age makes it hard to let go. It hurts my heart even to write about it now.

    Missing that opportunity with a kitten you’ve already fallen in love with is just so sad. Isn’t it amazing how quickly they wrap themselves around our heartstrings.

    Love and hugs to you, Kent, the boys and, of course, Cheeto

  18. My heart is broken for your family. Our pets give us such love.

  19. Kimberly and family, I am so sorry to read this sad news. Thank you for showing Dodger the love and affection he deserves. God bless you all.


  20. I can’t believe it happened and I sent you the pattern for the Halloween table runner with the black cat thinking about “Dodger” today.

    My thoughts are with the family today and know you’ll be soon adding to it! ?

  21. So sorry Kimberly! Hugs via prayers coming y’all s way.

  22. I’m so sorry about Baby Dodger. What a frightening and sad experience. I love the picture of him in the basket.

  23. Oh, no. I am so sorry to hear this sad news. I was so enjoying seeing the cats online last Saturday. Heartbreaking is so accurate. Hugs to you.

  24. So sorry Kimberly for your and your husband’s loss. Our fur babies are truly blessings that come into our lives. Debbie

  25. Sending you a great big virtual hug! I know how much it hurts. Anytime you open your heart to a pet, you risk having it broken. I’ve lost young cats and young dogs before, but to me it’s even more difficult to let a friend of 12 to 15 years go. Hope that you are feeling better soon and that the next “right” kitten will find you.

  26. I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers and thoughts go out to you and your family. Pets are so very special in our lives. Years ago the same thing happened to our cat, Andy just like you described.

  27. I am so sad to read this. I know your hearts are broken. My prayers and thoughts are with you.

  28. I am sorry for your loss. Enjoy the precious memories.

  29. Kimberly and Kent: We are so very sorry to hear of Dodger’s passing. He was such a fun kitten for you two and the furbabies. Cheeto took to him immediately and loved him throughout his short life. You’re right, Cheeto absolutely knows that Dodger is gone. We are so very sorry for your loss. Ray and Diane Berntsen

  30. Kimberly and Kent
    We are so sorry for your loss. Losing a family member is so difficult. Dodger has a special place in your hearts that will always be there. Take time to grieve. Your love for Dodger was amazing. He and Cheeto always made me smile and warmed my heart so I can only imagine how deep your loss is.

  31. Sending hugs, compassion and understanding. We lost Zaboo at six months, to untreatable disease, and it was awful, so I know the heartache. Hugs to all.

  32. Kim and Kent, I am so sorry to hear your sad news. I hope the pain you are feeling through that hole in your heart right now is soon replaced by loving memories. Our God had a plan. He knew you could bless that dear sweet baby with love and kindness in the last days of his life. Thank you for being there for Dodger and showing him love and acceptance. You were a blessing to him.

  33. Oh Kimberly, My heart is breaking for you and your family. Prayers lifted for God’s warm embrace to comfort you during this difficult time. Hugs to you all.

  34. Sorry for your loss – It is amazing just how much our pets really mean to us until they are gone. Prayers to all of you.

  35. I am so sorry. He was so beautiful. My heart goes out to you.

  36. Our furry friends are also family members and make our lives so much more interesting. They are unquestionably part of our hearts.

  37. Some things in life are hard to understand and especially the “why.” Words are hard to come by for such a time of loss as this. May you find some comfort in knowing this little kitty was a happy little guy and had the best home he could have found. Thinking of you during this time of loss and may you find some peace in knowing others care❤️ Hugs to you and Kent.

  38. My heart goes out to you. Our furry friends are an important part of our families and they leave a huge hole when they’re gone.

  39. So very sorry for your loss Kim and Kent. It is heartbreaking to lose a pet. I’ve been through it and you never really get over it. They are always in our hearts and deserve to be remembered.

  40. So very sorry. Hugs and prayers. I got some bad news today on my dog They are family members. Just want to make you feel better So hard especially so young

  41. Kimberly, This made me cry! Dodger was so adorable and I can’t imagine how Cheeto feels! So sad! My prayers are with you and Kent!❤

  42. My heart is aching for you, Kimberly. So very painful, I know. Love and hugs of comfort to you and your family.

  43. I am so very sorry!! Give Cheeto time to greave a little cause he will! Just cuddle each other. It is so hard to loss any pet but when their young it’s even worse. God bless y’all!!!

  44. my deepest sympathy to you and Kent how awful, hugs and loving thoughts to you all. Yes take the time you need to grieve and know we all care.

  45. My heart breaks for you and your family.

  46. Kim, Kent, Sons, Cheeto and Fur Babies. Very saddened to read about sweet baby Dodger. My heart breaks for you. Thank you for sharing his short life with us. Hugs and blessings to you all. ❤️

  47. Oh Kimberly, my heart breaks for you and your family. It is so hard when we lose a furry family member who brings so much joy to your lives and then is gone the next day. Sending you a big hug and lots of prayers. ❤️❤️❤️

  48. Kim and Kent, all of us feel so terrible for you, our hearts are hurting. Dodger was so sweet and cute and you gave him lots and lots of love which nobody could have done more. And you did everything possible in his hour of need! Sending prayers and hugs as you step back and just love on your beloved other fur babies and take care of yourselves ❤️

  49. Oh Kim,

    I’m so very sorry your family lost a furpurrson. Each one that adopts us stretches our own hearts with their love.

    Sometimes that can feel as though our hearts are breaking, but their love resides in us always making us better people.

    Socially distant hugs to you, your family, and Cheeto.


  50. Aww, I’m so sorry, that’s a terrible loss. Our furry babies sure make huge impacts our lives. My Cali pup came into
    my life at a time when I’m sure she was sent to help me through an awful time. I have no doubt little Dodger will be sending you a fur baby again soon. Take care, ❤️ Ruth

  51. Dear Kimberly and Kent
    Iam so very very sorry for your loss of little Dodger.
    He had a super life while he was here with you.
    He was far to young to leave you.
    But gave so much happiness and love in his life with you.
    Bless you for giving him such a happy home full of love.
    Emma from The Netherlands big cyber hugs.

  52. I am so, so sorry. Thank you that you are committed to adopting again. There is no greater way to honor the life of our fur babies than to save the life of another in their memory. Dodger is at the Rainbow Bridge healthy and whole❤️.

  53. So so sorry? Our furry children bring so much daily joy and comfort, especially during stressful times such as what we are currently experiencing. May you and those you love find peace in the memories built together with Dodger. ??????

  54. I am sorry. Things happen, and when this kind of sadness comes at you…well, there’s no escaping the grief. I am sure Dodger will leave quite a hole, but he lived well, even for s short time, with your family. Hugs.

  55. I am heartbroken for you. There are no words to make this better and as a fellow rescuer I have also experienced this devastating situation. Please know you are in my thoughts. Take as much time as you need to “lay low” and be kind to yourselves. If you ever want to talk, I’m only an email away.

  56. We had a similar thing happen to us. I am convinced it was because of the flea medicine we put on our dog. They cuddled and the cat would keep the dog clean. It’s so hard. I’m sincerely sorry for your loss.

  57. I’m so sorry for the loss of your furry family member. It is heartbreaking and a feeling of grief different from a loss of a person. My heartfelt sympathy and prayers for comfort and peace for you and family.

  58. Sorry for your loss…great photos to remember him…

  59. So, so sorry…

  60. I am so very sorry for all of you. I have lost a beloved cat like this. It Hurts!!

  61. I am sorry for your loss, as our pets do become family members in our hearts and in our homes. Thank you for sharing this story with us, and keep him close in your memories.
    Carol Hanley Garcia

  62. We lost our cat, Bosco, a year ago He was 19. We still miss him. My heart breaks for your loss. Funny how they grab your heart & don’t let go, thank heavens they do.

  63. Hi Kim, I wish there words that I could share to comfort you. I know this feeling of being hurt and heartbroken from the loss of a pet. (one dog and one kitty) Just wanted you to know You and Mr. Kim are in my thoughts and prayers for peace and comfort. Hugs!

  64. My kitty and I are sad with you and for you.

  65. I am so sorry for your loss. Each pet brings so much into our lives, it is so hard to say goodbye.

  66. I sorry for your loss. Pets are pure joy in our quarantined lives!

  67. You are right…animals do know when a “colleague” is missing in action.
    Take care to all,

  68. Kimberly and Kent my heart bleeds for you. I know how hart it is to lose a pet they become part of the family so quickly. They have this ability about wiggling themselves in our hearts and that is where they stay forever. You know I have rescue dogs all six of them and had to put our Baby down she was part lab and part pincher and we had so many years with her. The decision was not easy but when she stopped eating completely it was time, I did not want her to starve to death. Just remember when we go to heaven we will go with an entourage since all of them are waiting at the rainbow bridge happily playing with all the others until we come and get them. God bless you.
    I just want to share one more thing I have not been able to talk about it very much. We lost our beloved daughter in law to COVID. She passed Aug 13th and only through the love and caring of my church family did I make it through the worst of it.
    Stay safe and we love you all may God wrap his loving arms around you and keep you close.
    Bea Crider

  69. So sorry to hear about your loss, I know how you feel. But, now he’s at “Rainbow Bridge” where he is healthy again. Hugs to all of your family.

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