My “more or less list”……and ONE WORD

A new year and a new decade is just around the corner. I’ve been thinking of things I’d like to do (or not do, as the case may be) beginning in 2020. I wouldn’t call them “resolutions” exactly, but things which will enhance my life and happiness level. Here are a few of my musings from this morning in a “more or less” format:


  • Prayer and trusting God. With everything in my life. 
  • Quiet time.
  • Time for relaxation. (In the spirit of transparency, I’m not a person who relaxes easily.)
  • Creativity, designing and actual sewing. A lot more!
  • Time spent playing with and enjoying our puppy and cats. 
  • Walking.
  • Pilates. Faithfully. (I always hate to go but feel great after each session.)
  • Local weekend trips with my best friend. In the Mini-Cooper.
  • Inviting people to dinner, using our good dishes (inspired by a comment made by Mark Lipinski. Good idea, Mark. I’m in!)
  • Learning to say no when necessary.
  • Peace.
  • Sleep.


  • Stress, worry, and angst.
  • Workaholic tendencies.
  • Need for people-pleasing.
  • Being hard on my body.
  • Sleep deprivation.

The past couple of months I’ve found myself stressing over things I simply cannot change. It reminds me of the Serenity Prayer:

Those are wise words. I hope someone will remind me of this if I lose perspective.

In years past, I’ve chosen ONE WORD for each year. So my one word for 2020 is: 


I consider joy an active verb. Sure, you can feel joy during momentous occasions such as the birth of a baby, a wedding, or even when you’re on vacation. But joy is also something you choose to do when you wake up in the morning. You have to choose to be joyful and this takes practice and I dare say, prayer. Of course, there are days when it is harder than others to feel joyful. But I plan to practice being joyful even during times of stress and frustration.

Do you have a list or resolutions? Are there any you care to share? Or, how about “One Word” for 2020? I’d love to know. Please leave me a comment and share your goals for the new year.

God bless you in 2020 and beyond!

  1. Kimberly, This blog was very timely as I have been looking at my past year and what if anything I could change going into the new year. I’m not one for resolutions but I have chosen a word for my year in the past. Not every year just some years. For 2020 I’m looking at balance as my word. I’d like better balance between my work life and my home life. I’d like better balance with my body-one legged yoga poses. I’d like to bring balance to my spin workouts – no I don’t fall over but I must balance my spin time with my travel time. If that is possible I’m not sure. This past year my sweet hubby retired and in 2020 I will have a milestone Birthday! I’m looking forward to this milestone, just because I will be that age I don’t have to act like it! Whatever that means! So this year I’ll look to balance the things I do for work and the time I spend with my sweetie. We’ve already put dates on the calendar of activities/ trips we want to do in 2020. The planning has already begun. With better balance my creativity will have a better chance to grow, with better balance my relationship with my sweetie will strengthen. With better balance my body will stand taller. So watch out 2020 I’m ready to keep my balance.

  2. I would have to say my word would be organized. Scheduling things without messing up, Organizing so fun things aren’t at the bottom of the list. Organizing things in the house to be able to spend more time sewing, cooking etc and not playing “where is the ???”

  3. My word for 2020 is DECLUTTER. My goal is to continue to downside the number of physical things in my physical space so that I have room and time for the activities I truly enjoy. I am committed to keeping up with ongoing sorting and donating items that have value, and tossing the rest. At the same time, I am trying to eat healthier and move more, so I am cutting way back on sugar. Another form of decluttering.

  4. Kimberly,
    I hadn’t thought about my plan for the new year yet. Usually, it’s the New Years Eve and resolving to do something and lose weight! Lol dont we all?! Lol anyway, I believe JOY is a great word for 2020 along with KINDNESS!! We (society) have lost our way and forgotten how to be just nice and kind. I’m looking forward to spreading Joy and Kindness this year. Peace and blessings,

  5. My word for 2020 is Lighten. It fits all parts of my life. I am working to lighten my tone, my stress and my weight. I am actively working to sort and share my stash and the contents of all the closets. I will be kinder to myself and more patient with others.

  6. I have 3 words for 2020

    Health- making healthy food and exercise choices
    Home-make a home for myself not just a place to live
    Travel-new places; reconnect with family and friends

    I’m looking forward to 2020!

  7. My word is Appreciate. I am 82 years old and I feel great! I have a loving family and some very good friends and neighbors. I will admit that I take a nap almost every day. Today it was a longer nap but that is rare. My four children are in good places in their lives and my grandchildren are amazing. God has given me more than I had even hoped for. I am so thankful for my family, my good health, and my fun friends.

  8. Kimberly my word for 2020 is LOVE. Love God, Love others and Love yourself. I also make no New Year resolution but have promised myself to learn to say no wen absolutely necessary. I, after 73 years have finally learned that at times I need to be first and not always last as well as that I must take care of myself so I am able to take care of others. Have the most blessed New Year lots of happiness and good health to all of your family.

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