New friends

Our family has grown again.

As hard as it was to lose our beloved little Dodger, we knew we would adopt a kitten again.  Everyone felt the void left when Dodger passed away; most especially Cheeto. The foster moms at A Pawsitive Approach were so helpful and understanding about our desire to find the right kitten to join our family. We visited several foster parents and their foster kittens but it wasn’t until we visited with Teresa and Sherrie (Dodger’s sweet foster Mama) that we found the perfect new addition. 

Meet Remy.

We brought Remy home because he looked and acted so much like Andrew’s sweet kitty, Thomas. Thomas and Cheeto were the best of buds when Andrew and Thomas lived with us for four months early on in the pandemic. However, we were all surprised to discover when we took Remy to the vet for a checkup that although he is a happy and healthy 10 week old kitten, Remy is a girl — not a little boy! But no worries….the name Remy fits her “purrfectly” and we couldn’t be more delighted. 

We have a big surprise to share because while we were getting to know Remy, Teresa (the foster Mom) had just taken charge of a tiny little bundle from a high kill shelter, only a half a pound in weight. We were instantly smitten! This little bitty thing came home with us and has been growing and doing very well! She’s now a little more than 1 1/2 pounds and about 8 weeks old. She’ll always be small (according to the vet) but she has a big personality and we just adore her.

Meet Tater (named by Mr. Kim)

There’s been a lot of snuggling going on lately.

We never intended to adopt two kittens; they aren’t even from the same litter and are between four and five weeks apart in age. But when your heart knows, it KNOWS. Everyone is delighted by these sweet new additions to our family — most especially Cheeto! 

Peanut has also taken to the kittens quite well. There is often kitten “rodeo” going on amidst the toys on the floor although Peanut is very gentle with Tater, who is still so small. 

All of our furry friends keep us on our toes and sometimes awake at night! But we’re not complaining…..we wouldn’t have it any other way. 

I hope you’ll join me, Cheeto and our entire gang in welcoming them to the family! I’m sure you’ll be seeing them — and their silly, kitten antics a lot more in the future!

And remember, adopt. Don’t shop. There are so many sweet and loving animals in need of homes and forever families. I hope you’ll consider adopting if you’re able. Thank you!

  1. All such cute kitties!

  2. So excited for you. Be careful though. I have six!

  3. I enjoyed seeing your new family members they are adorable. Thank-You, Ann

  4. What a lovely stop. Thanks for sharing

  5. Oh, my gosh, they are both so adorable!!!!! Perfect additions, indeed!! Congratulations on Tater and Remy joining your family!!

  6. Very cute, little furry kitties that will certainly bring joy! Lovely pictures.

  7. Love your furry family members. Saw Tater today on your video. Bless you for adopting your pets. Too many out there without homes. Looking forward to your next video. Happy Thanksgiving

  8. I’m so happy to hear you had it in your heart to open up your loving home to not just one, but two kittens. And thrilled to know Cheeto is also supportive of this decision. You are correct in that there are so many wonderful animals that need forever loving homes and sadly, many are put down at high kill shelters. Your family has certainly expanded with purrfect love.

  9. Ok they are to cute!!!!

  10. Kimberly, I am so thrilled for you. Little Tater could be Cheeto’s kitten! They will be a great addition to your family! Congratulations on finding the perfect little babies!

  11. Congratulations! When cady and her sister Iantha were growing up, we adopted two cats. Noah and Isabelle from the humane society. When we took them to the vet for their big surgeries, we came back to pick them up the next day. The technician said Surprise! Isabelle is a boy. Which was nice because the surgery was cheaper. Isabelle became Izzy as in Iz he a boy or Izzy a girl).

  12. So loved your new family pictures they are adorable. They bring such joy. Showed all the pictures to my husband he likes them too.

  13. What a good mom you are! Your new kits are such sweeties. We added a rescue kitten to our home last year. He has enhanced our lives and that of our older cat and dog.

  14. ❤️?❤️?❤️ Remedy and Tater are precious! You know sweet Dodger led you to them. They will be wonderful additions to your family.

  15. These pictures are just darling! What a sweet family! All my cats are rescues….

  16. I would adopt another one but it would live longer than I.

  17. So much fun! And you will have a very busy, fun household! Sewing will be fun with kitten paws!
    Great little buddys for Cheeto and Peanut!

  18. The sweetness! The utter adorableness! Congratulations.

  19. Tuxedo Remy and orange Tater are so adorable! I can see how happy Cheeto is to have kittens in the house again! Even Peanut likes these two, although that may not last long if they grow bigger than him! We got our brother/sister tuxedo cats last June. I can only imagine the pitter patter of little feet as they run across the floor playing. Enjoy every minute of it. {{{hugs}}}

  20. Congratulations!!!. Great pictures.
    Thank you for saving 2 precious babies.
    Virtual Hugs to you both.

  21. Your furry companions are irresistible. What happiness you all share together! On the advice of my veterinarian, I removed the bell attached to my cat’s collar because he made me aware that this bell would ring with each movement in my cat’s ears. And birds have not needed this sound to know how to beware of cats for centuries ? So please remove this bell ?

  22. Thank you for giving these sweet kitties a loving warm home.
    Remy and Tater wishing you many happy healthy and blessed years together with lots of cuddling and fun and love.
    Great pictures.
    Welcom Remy and Tater from The Netherlands
    And you Remy and Tater help your mummy with all the sewing and quilting.
    Emma XXXX

  23. Congratulations on your new additions to your family. They will bring you so much joy and happiness! Looking forward to all the photos as they grow up. Stay well and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  24. What lovely additions to your family, I am sure they will bring so much joy and laughter with their antics.

    Particularly love the photo of Cheeto training Tater to be a Quality Controller by the machine ?

  25. Oh my goodness they are so adorable! I love how all your furry friends snuggle together. Looking forward to seeing all their adventures. Congratulations to all!?

  26. Harmony in the Einmo Family! The way these kitties and puppy appear to have bonded with each other and with you and Kent is evident. I’m thrilled for you.

  27. Awwww. Yay!!! Congrats on the new family members and what great photos! Cheeto and Peanut are great big siblings!!! So happy for you. They are both gorgeous and I’m sure are already loved very much!

  28. Awe, you are the best people. You can tell about people by the way they treat animals. Thank you for adopting. Your fur family is beautiful. I volunteer at my county shelter where I work with fearful and feral dogs so they can be put on the adoption floor. Those that cower in the back of the kennel get over looked. Please continue to share these wonderful babies with your fans. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to your family.

  29. So happy you found the joy! we adopted three(3) new cats this spring! Our yellow tabby lost his forever friend two years ago. Its so hard to loose a beloved pet at any stage. I’m so glad you found your new kittens! All they love you and Ken will get and give these adorable treasures. Al and I wish you the best.

  30. The heart knows what the heart knows and so we follow it

  31. You gave me a big smile this morning. What a joy to be able to have such a loving collection in your extended family. I hope you have many, many years of joy from both Remy and Tater.

  32. Congratulations on two adorable fur babies. We had 4, all strays who left home and adopted us). Three have since passed. Lucky boy is about 19 yo. Sleeps most of the time now and loves to be in laps every chance he can.
    I think these babies picked you as well as you picking them. ❤️?

  33. Oh how cute they both are !! And they seem to fit right in!

  34. Definitely keepers. Tater looks to be auditioning for Cheeto’s prodigy and Remi is resting up for kitten mischief. ❤

  35. What sweet pictures! Love that little Tater Tot. It doesn’t get much cuter than that. I’m happy for them and your family. They are very lucky little kittens to have found you. I know you will give them a great life. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Still watching all your facebook lives! They are helping me to get through this pandemic! Thank-you!

  36. Pets certainly add delight to our lives and to our homes!!

  37. Warms my heart to see your little buddies!

  38. Everyone looks so happy! And Cheeto looks like he’s taking the job of Big Brother very seriously. Enjoy the new adventures!

  39. OMG soo adorable!! I can see a Cheeto-Tater calendar in the future!! Her face is soo cute!!! Congrats!

  40. So cute. I am trying not to look at the Humane Society pages. So hard to resist.
    I’m so glad you have found new lives for your great family.

  41. i have 3 characters of my own in the house and about 20 ferals outside to feed.

  42. Gorgeous babies! You are a lucky one Kimberly. Love the photos!

  43. Love all the photo’s. They are all so sweet. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  44. Over the past fifteen years we have rescued over fifty feral cats. Adopted out some, sadly some went missing, a few have passed over to the other side, some were placed with a shelter for adoption. Still have twelve, plus two that are here on occasion, and trying to get down to five or six. So hard letting go!

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