Marcy Cady, one of my amazing students who took my Chain Saw class at the Road to California Show this past January, sent me this photo of her completed quilt. It is beautiful and I LOVE it! Marcy, I’m so proud of you — you did an outstanding job!!!
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A few weeks ago I traveled to the Chicago area to present a lecture and a few workshops for the Northwest Suburban Quilt Guild. While I was there, one of the guild members, Joanne Bina, surprised me by bringing her quilted version of my Lone Starburst design.
Read more →It is truly amazing to me how quickly the days turn into weeks and weeks into months. I can hardly believe it is April already! Where did the first quarter of the year go? Does anyone else out there feel this way? I admit that so far
Read more →You’ve heard me say many times how much I love traveling around the country (and the world) to teach classes and share my love and passion for quilting with quilters everywhere. And I do love it. But my goodness, I’m happy to be back home for a
Read more →Did you know that January 24th is VISIT YOUR LOCAL QUILT SHOP DAY? It is! So I hope you’ll save the date on your calendar and make plans now to go to YOUR local quilt shop and thank the owner and good folks who work there for
Read more →This is IT, folks. This is the last uber-big sale of the year on those fabulous Craftsy classes you’ve been waiting to sign up to take….. Seriously, some of the classes will be a whopping 75% off the regular enrollment price! To get this SPECIAL savings, use
Read more →I’m just tickled pink! Look who’s on the 2013 Aurifil Design Team!!!
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I received a lovely email from Vivien Stevens, who sent me photos of her glorious “Patriotic Pineapple” quilt which she made using my EZ Pineapple Ruler. She wrote to inform me that this splendid quilt won a BLUE RIBBON at the Southern New Mexico State Fair last week!
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Twenty four years ago today, I married my very best friend. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t make me laugh or smile. I’m the luckiest lady in the world and God has blessed our lives beyond measure. Lucky me!
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Did you all know that I was the “prize” for the AQS giveaway at last year’s Quilt Market? I was honored to be asked by my publisher, and even more thrilled to actually travel to the winning shop located in Dallas, Texas. You can read all about
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