Archive for the Fun Category

09/09/09 — special in so many ways!

For people around the world, Sept 9th was quite significant. Consider these fun facts: (Ahem…some text copied from CNN; Saeed Ahmed.) You probably won’t get to experience another single-digit date in your lifetime. The next one won’t roll around for 92 years — until 1/1/2101. 9/9/09 was

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One last hurrah…

We wanted to do something special with the boys: take one special last trip before we make the transition back to the US. The weather was rainy here in Stuttgart this past weekend, but not in France. So we drove to Paris! On our way, we made a

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Giggles and more

First, the giggles… We went to dinner in the nearby village of Esslingen the other evening. I snapped these photos of our boys clowning around with some local sculptures. They’re just too fun not to share. Hope they inspire a case of the giggles like they did

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